tailieunhanh - Lecture Art of Leadership and Motivation - Lecture 20

This lecture provides an overview of the skills approach to leadership as found in Leadership: theory and practice. This chapter presents the following content: Skills Approach Perspective, three-skill approach (Katz, 1955), skills-based model (Mumford, et al, 2000), how does the skills approach work? | FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Lecture - 20 Time Management-I ~ The bad news is time flies; the good news is ??????????????? ~ The bad news is time flies; the good news is you are the pilot.~ Michael Altshuler Time Management To utilise the available time in optimum manner to achieve one’s personal and professional goals. TIME IS MONEY Imagine you are already 60 years old, and you look back .what did you achieve, what did you do EVERYONE HAS THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME 60 minutes per hour 1,440 minutes per day 525,600 minutes per year Key Points to Take Away Frederick Winslow Taylor is normally considered to be the father of scientific management. He wrote his book, The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911, which, together with the work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, became the launching pad for today’s time management. Stephen R. Covey predicts there will be a movement towards research on internal time and how we can manage our brains and take advantage of our biological clock in order to manage our time. Break these 8 Time Management Rules at your own risk: Multi-tasking – Multi-tasking does not lead to more things done. It leads to more things started. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up with 57 things started and nothing done. Scheduling Back-to-back Meetings Answering Your Phone Anytime Checking Email Incessantly Not Unplugging Not Allocating Enough Time for Tasks Not Looking at Your List Not Taking Deadlines Seriously Break these 8 Time Management Rules at your own risk: Top Time Management Lies that we tell Ourselves I don’t have time I am going to exercise more When I have more time When things settle down I’ll do it tomorrow I am not lucky I can’t do that That deadline isn’t important Top Time Management Lies that we tell Ourselves Common Time Management Mistakes Mistake #1. Failing to Keep a To-Do List Mistake #2. Not Setting Personal Goals Mistake | FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Lecture - 20 Time Management-I ~ The bad news is time flies; the good news is ??????????????? ~ The bad news is time flies; the good news is you are the pilot.~ Michael Altshuler Time Management To utilise the available time in optimum manner to achieve one’s personal and professional goals. TIME IS MONEY Imagine you are already 60 years old, and you look back .what did you achieve, what did you do EVERYONE HAS THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME 60 minutes per hour 1,440 minutes per day 525,600 minutes per year Key Points to Take Away Frederick Winslow Taylor is normally considered to be the father of scientific management. He wrote his book, The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911, which, together with the work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, became the launching pad for today’s time management. Stephen R. Covey predicts there will be a movement towards research on internal .