tailieunhanh - Lecture Art of Leadership and Motivation - Lecture 5

After this chapter the student should have acquired the following knowledge and skills: Identify major personality dimensions and understand how personality influences leadership and relationships within organizations; clarify your instrumental and end values, and recognize how values guide thoughts and behavior; define attitudes and explain their relationship to leader behavior;. | FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Lecture - 5 What Makes People Listen to Us? Relationships: People listen to us because of who we know. Sacrifice: People listen to us because of what we have suffered. Character: People listen to us because of our integrity. Insight: People listen to us because of what we know. Transparency: People listen to us because we are transparent. Experience: People listen to us because we’ve succeeded in the past. Competence: People listen to us because of our abilities and expertise. Courage: People listen to us when we demonstrate courage. Value: People listen to us because we make them feel that they are important to us. The wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster. The right action at the wrong time brings resistance. The wrong action at the right time is a mistake. The right action at the right time results in success. THE 21 INDISPENSABLE LEADERSHIP LAWS by John Maxwell Character is More than Talk Your character determines who you are. Who you are determines what you see. What you see determines what you do. Character is a Choice We have no control over a lot of things in life. But we do choose our character. In fact, we create it every time we make choices. Character Brings Lasting Success with People Followers do not trust leaders whose character they know to be flawed, and they will not continue following them. Leaders Cannot Rise Above the Limitations of their Character Have you ever seen highly talented people suddenly fall apart when they achieved a certain level of success? Face the music. The beginning of character building comes when you face your flaws, apologize, and deal with the consequences of your actions. Roadblocks to Charisma: Pride Insecurity Moodiness To improve your charisma, do the following: Change your focus Share yourself Commitment Starts in the Heart Commitment is Tested by Action . | FACILITATOR Prof. Dr. Mohammad Majid Mahmood Art of Leadership & Motivation HRM – 760 Lecture - 5 What Makes People Listen to Us? Relationships: People listen to us because of who we know. Sacrifice: People listen to us because of what we have suffered. Character: People listen to us because of our integrity. Insight: People listen to us because of what we know. Transparency: People listen to us because we are transparent. Experience: People listen to us because we’ve succeeded in the past. Competence: People listen to us because of our abilities and expertise. Courage: People listen to us when we demonstrate courage. Value: People listen to us because we make them feel that they are important to us. The wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster. The right action at the wrong time brings resistance. The wrong action at the right time is a mistake. The right action at the right time results in success. THE 21 INDISPENSABLE LEADERSHIP LAWS by John .

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