tailieunhanh - Introduction to Computing (11)

CSC to Computing Lecture 11 Dr. Iftikhar Azim Niaz. ianiaz@. 1Last Lecture Memory. q Address , What memory stores. q OS, Application programs, Data, Types of Memory. q Non Volatile and Non Volatile. q ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, RAM – Volatile Memory. q Static RAM, Dynamic RAM, SDRAM and its types 2 Components affecting Clock Cache. Data bus. 3 Achieving Increased Processor Increase the hardware speed of the processor q shrinking the size of the logic gates on the. processor chip, so that more gates can be packed. together more Increasing the clock rate. q individual operations are executed more rapidlyn Increase the size and speed of caches. q In particular, by dedicating a portion of the. processor chip itself to the cache,. q cache access times drop significantlyn Make changes to the processor organization. and architecture that increase the effective processor contains small, high-speed storage. temporarily hold data and part of the processor, not part of memory or a. permanent storage devicen Different types of registers, each with a. specific storage function including. q storing the location from where an instruction was. fetched. q storing an instruction while the control unit decodes. it. q storing data while the ALU computes it, and 5 Register Almost all computers load data from a larger. memory into registers where it is used for. q arithmetic,. q manipulated, or. q tested, by some machine instructionn Manipulated data is then often stored back in. main memory,. q either by the same instruction or. q a subsequent one 6Register Number of bits processor can Word size. q indicates the amount of data with which the. computer can work at any given Larger indicates more powerful Increase by purchasing new CPU. q 16 bit registers. q 32 bit registers. q 64 bit registers. 7 User Accessible Data registers. q can hold numeric values such as integer and. floating-point values, as well as characters, small bit. arrays and other data q In some older CPUs, a special data register. accumulator, is used implicitly for many operationsn Address registers. q hold addresses and are used by instructions that. indirectly access main memory . RAM 8 Other types of Conditional registers. q hold truth values often used to determine whether. some instruction should or should not be executedn General purpose registers (GPRs). q can store both data and addresses, ., they are. combined Data/Address registersn Floating point registers (FPRs). q store floating point numbers in many architecturesn Constant registers. q hold read-only values such as zero, one, or pin Vector registers. 9. q Other types of Control and Status registers hold program. state; they usually include. q Program counter (aka instruction pointer) and. q Status register (aka processor status word or Flag. register) q Instruction register store the instruction currently. being Registers related to fetching information