tailieunhanh - The effect of various long-term tillage systems on soil properties and spring barley yield

This study, performed on a soil that is classified as Albic Luvisols that developed on loamy sands overlying loamy material ( organic matter and pH ), concerns the impact of tillage systems on soil properties and the yield of spring barley. | I. MAŁECKA, A. BLECHARCZYK, Z. SAWINSKA, T. DOBRZENIECKI Research Article Turk J Agric For 36 (2012) 217-226 © TÜBİTAK doi: The effect of various long-term tillage systems on soil properties and spring barley yield Irena MAŁECKA*, Andrzej BLECHARCZYK, Zuzanna SAWINSKA, Tomasz DOBRZENIECKI Faculty of Agronomy and Bioengineering, University of Life Sciences, Mazowiecka 45/46, 60-623 Poznań - POLAND Received: Abstract: This study, performed on a soil that is classified as Albic Luvisols that developed on loamy sands overlying loamy material ( organic matter and pH ), concerns the impact of tillage systems on soil properties and the yield of spring barley. The experiment design included 3 tillage systems: conventional tillage, reduced tillage, and no-tillage. Continuous cultivation for 7 consecutive years by reduced tillage and no-tillage led to changes in the physical properties of the surface soil layer (0-5 cm). At the stem elongation growth stage of spring barley, conservation tillage systems resulted in a higher water content and bulk density in relation to conventional tillage. Conservation soil tillage resulted in decreased penetration resistance in the 0-10 cm layer, as compared with conventional tillage. Reduced tillage and notillage favored the surface accumulation of organic C and total N in the soil, as well as that of available K and Mg. Our results suggest that conservation tillage systems lead to progressive improvement in soil nutrient status, but have little or no effect on crop yield. Only the no-tillage system had a negative effect on yield of spring barley, by in comparison with conventional tillage. Key words: Tillage systems, physical and chemical soil properties, spring barley yield Introduction Conservation agriculture is now widely recognized as a viable concept for sustainable agriculture due to its comprehensive benefits in economic, environmental, and social sustainability. The basic elements