tailieunhanh - Lecture Multiagent systems - Chapter 1: Introduction

The history of computing to date has been marked by five important. Chapter 1 will focus presents the five ongoing trends have marked the history of computing: Ubiquity, interconnection, intelligence, delegation, human-orientation. | LECTURE 1: INTRODUCTION Multiagent Systems Based on “An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems” by Michael Wooldridge, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. ˜mjw/pubs/imas/ Overview Five ongoing trends have marked the history of computing: ubiquity; interconnection; intelligence; delegation; and human-orientation Ubiquity The continual reduction in cost of computing capability has made it possible to introduce processing power into places and devices that would have once been uneconomic As processing capability spreads, sophistication (and intelligence of a sort) becomes ubiquitous What could benefit from having a processor embedded in it ? Interconnection Computer systems today no longer stand alone, but are networked into large distributed systems The internet is an obvious example, but networking is spreading its ever-growing tentacles Since distributed and concurrent systems have become the norm, some researchers are putting forward theoretical models that portray . | LECTURE 1: INTRODUCTION Multiagent Systems Based on “An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems” by Michael Wooldridge, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. ˜mjw/pubs/imas/ Overview Five ongoing trends have marked the history of computing: ubiquity; interconnection; intelligence; delegation; and human-orientation Ubiquity The continual reduction in cost of computing capability has made it possible to introduce processing power into places and devices that would have once been uneconomic As processing capability spreads, sophistication (and intelligence of a sort) becomes ubiquitous What could benefit from having a processor embedded in it ? Interconnection Computer systems today no longer stand alone, but are networked into large distributed systems The internet is an obvious example, but networking is spreading its ever-growing tentacles Since distributed and concurrent systems have become the norm, some researchers are putting forward theoretical models that portray computing as primarily a process of interaction Intelligence The complexity of tasks that we are capable of automating and delegating to computers has grown steadily If you don’t feel comfortable with this definition of “intelligence”, it’s probably because you are a human Delegation Computers are doing more for us – without our intervention We are giving control to computers, even in safety critical tasks One example: fly-by-wire aircraft, where the machine’s judgment may be trusted more than an experienced pilot Next on the agenda: fly-by-wire cars, intelligent braking systems, cruise control that maintains distance from car in front Human Orientation The movement away from machine-oriented views of programming toward concepts and metaphors that more closely reflect the way we ourselves understand the world Programmers (and users!) relate to the machine differently Programmers conceptualize and implement software in terms of higher-level – more human-oriented – abstractions Programming .