tailieunhanh - The analysis of composite beams with partial interaction using the general technique method

This paper presents a modeling technique t hat derives from t he work of Newmark to describe the behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with elastic shear connection. The model is used to derive expressions for beam curvat ure, rotation and defl ection under monotonic load from wh ich the stiffness matrix is derived and finite element analysis performed on a set of illustrat ive examples. Iviodel results are compared to those obtained using other method. | Vietnam Journal of i\tiechanics, VAST , Vol. 30 , No. 1 (2008) , pp . 1 - 10 THE ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE BEAMS WITH PARTIAL INTERACTION USING THE GENERAL TECHNIQUE METHOD Nguyen Van Chung Postgraduate Student, Civil E ngineering, University of Technology, VNU-HCMC Bui Cong Thanh Department of Structural Mechanics , Faculty of Civil Engineering Abstract . T hi s paper presents a modeling technique t hat derives from t he work of Newmark to descr ibe t he behavior of steel-concrete composi te beam s wit h elast ic shear connection . The model is used to derive expressions for beam curvat ure, rotat ion and de fl ection un der monoto nic load from wh ich the st iffness matrix is der ived and fini te elem ent analys is performed on a set of illustrat ive examp les. Iviodel res ul ts are compared to t hose obtained using other method 1. INTRODUCTION Steel and concrete composite struct ural elements have been used in construction since the early 1920s. Mechanical con nections lock together steel and concrete to cause the entity to behave as a single element . Composite beam defl ections stress dist ri bution and modes of failure are governed by the strength and reliability of the shear connection between the joined materi als. To design effective composite sections, engineers must possess not only a clear underst anding of the mechanical properties of st eel and concrete but also the nature of the bond betwee n them [2]. A topi c of modern research into composite beam behavior addresses parti al shear interaction between joined materials. Newmark [1] derived a differential equat ion to describe general composite elements fabricated from dissimilar m ateri als . Ranzi [6] used a direct stiffness formulation based on an eleme nt possessing 8DOF to describe vertical displacement , rotation and slip . Faella [4] deri ved an element stiffness m at rix and fixed-end nodal forces as solutions of t he Newmar k equation . This paper models the partial interaction between .