tailieunhanh - Lecture Software engineering - Chapter 32: Concluding comments

In the 31 chapters that have preceded this one, I’ve explored a process for software engineering that encompasses management procedures and technical methods, basic concepts and principles, specialized techniques, peopleoriented activities and tasks that are amenable to automation, paper-and-pencil notation, and software tools. In this concluding chapter I’ll take a broader view and consider where we’ve been and where we’re going from a more philosophical perspective. | Chapter 32 Concluding Comments Slide Set to accompany Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 7/e by Roger S. Pressman Slides copyright © 1996, 2001, 2005, 2009 by Roger S. Pressman For non-profit educational use only May be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7/e. Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. All copyright information MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use. Importance of Software-Revisited In Chapter 1, software was characterized as a differentiator. The function delivered by software differentiates products, systems, and services and provides competitive advantage in the marketplace. But software is more that a differentiator. The programs, documents, and data that are software help to generate the most important commodity that any individual, business, or government can . | Chapter 32 Concluding Comments Slide Set to accompany Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 7/e by Roger S. Pressman Slides copyright © 1996, 2001, 2005, 2009 by Roger S. Pressman For non-profit educational use only May be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7/e. Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. All copyright information MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use. Importance of Software-Revisited In Chapter 1, software was characterized as a differentiator. The function delivered by software differentiates products, systems, and services and provides competitive advantage in the marketplace. But software is more that a differentiator. The programs, documents, and data that are software help to generate the most important commodity that any individual, business, or government can acquire—information. People - Building Systems Communication is changing ., video conferencing Work patterns are changing ., intelligent agents Knowledge acquisition is changing ., data mining, the Web An Information Spectrum The Long View Two conflicting views: Ray Kurzweil—digital utopia and immortality Bill Joy—digital distopia and extinction For a thorough discussion, see a special issue of IEEE Spectrum, June, 2008 The Rapture of the Geeks Software Engineering Ethics-I An ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force has produced a Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (Version ). The code [ACM98] states: Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public, software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles: Software .