tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P58

Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P58:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | 7. In the Swap Symbol dialog box choose the M2 movie clip. This is the mouth shape that correlates to the long I sound in the word hi. 8. Click OK to close the Swap Symbol dialog box. The new mouth shape appears starting at Frame 12. Note It is not necessary nor desirable in fact to incorporate every single sound shape combination in the animation this is why you are skipping over the h sound to begin the talking animation. 9. Drag the playhead right to find the next significant change in sound. The k sound in the words kids beginning at Frame 16 calls for a very different shape than the word hi. Rather than jumping from the wide-open mouth on Frame 12 to the semi-closed mouth required for the k sound you should add a transitional shape to smooth the transition and prevent a long 4-frame gap between the different graphics. a 10 20 25 30 35 40 d Attons Do y d Voiceover Mfr -il Back Sound . . 0 - 1 0. Insert a new keyframe at Frame 14 of the Mouths layer. 1. With Frame 14 selected Control right-click the mouth shape and choose Swap Symbol. 272 Project 6 Talking Hid Site Intro 1 2. In the Swap Symbol dialog box choose the M3 symbol and click OK. This mouth shape correlates to the short I sound but also works as a good transition shape between a wide-open mouth and a closed mouth. d Back Sound _ J 1 3. Insert a new keyframe at Frame 16 of the Mouths layer. 1 4. With Frame 16 selected Control right-click the mouth shape and choose Swap Symbol. 1 5. In the Swap Symbol dialog box choose the M5 symbol and click OK. This shape correlates to the k sound in kids. When you pronounce a k your mouth is slightly open and your teeth are visible between your lips. W 25 30 35 .W 45 W 55 a nJ Actions__ o u y d Voiceover nl Back Sound 1 6- Return the playhead to Frame 1 and press Return Enter to play the movie on the stage. So far you have only four changes in the kid s mouth but you should begin to see how the different symbols appear at the appropriate points in the .