tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P40
Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P40:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | 1 1. Drag the Moon symbol until it snaps to the beginning point of the motion guide. 1 2. Add regular frames to Frame 7 of the Earth Mask and Guide Moon layers. If you don t add these frames the masked Earth image will not be visible and the motion guide will not be available past the first frame. 1 3. Add a keyframe at Frame 7 of the Moon layer. 4. With Frame 7 of the Moon layer selected drag the moon instance to snap to the endpoint of the motion path. a 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 5. Create a motion tween between Frames 1 and 7 of the Moon layer. 1 6. In the Layers area of the Timeline select the Moon and Guide Moon layers and then drag them below the Earth layer. As when you place the planets behind the Sun you need this step so the Moon will appear to move behind the Earth as it orbits. 182 Project 4 Solor System Model 1 7 Return to Scene 1 of the Flash file and test your movie. There s the Moon rotating around the Earth. 1 8. Close the player window and return to Flash. 1 9. Save the file and continue to the next stage of the project. 3 Working with Text One of the more frustrating aspects of Web design is that the appearance of type is dependent on the available fonts on a user s computer. Flash movies are not subject to this limitation because used fonts are embedded in the exported SWF file which means you can use any font you like in your Flash file and it will appear exactly as expected in the movie. The Text tool is used to add text to movies including the option to tie text fields into variables using ActionScript . Flash allows you to create three types of text Static text is placed kerned aligned and manually edited with the Text tool. To use static text simply select the Text tool click the Stage and begin typing. Dynamic text is basically an area into which a separate file such as text-only or XML can be read. Input text is a field in which users can type to submit information as you would find in an online form . The characters used in static text areas
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