tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P39

Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P39:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | 1 6- Click Scene 1 to return to the main Stage. The Mercury orbit path is no longer visible the planet instance is visible but currently hidden by the Sun. Motion paths are not visible in the actual movie. 1 7. Press Command-Return Control-Enter to test the movie. Mercury is now orbiting the Sun. 1 8. Close the player window. In Flash save the file and continue to the next exercise. Viewing large Documents Your screen size and resolution determine how much of a file is visible when you test or play a large Flash movie. If an entire file is not visible in the Flash player window you can use the player window s contextual menu accessed by Control right-clicking the player window to enlarge the window zoom out or zoom in to the file you are displaying. In Flash a 1300 x 800 movie has a yellow circle in each corner of the Stage. Project 4 Solar System Model Compl T th Planets Orbits In this exercise you will use the same method as in the previous exercise to set the remaining seven planets along their orbital paths and extend each orbit across the correct number of frames. As we stated earlier each orbit must be timed correctly relative to all other orbits. Unfortunately there is no way to automate the tasks you need to complete. However practice makes perfect. By completing the same basic steps for eight different objects you will gain a complete understanding of this common method so you will be ready when you need to apply it again. extending the length of the Timeline 2 o Œ Q ZD o x i i OZ When you work on the outer planets you will need to extend the Timeline beyond what is available by default. To accomplish this scroll the Timeline all the way to the right and then add a regular frame to the motion guide layer near the end of the visible Timeline. When you add a frame after the last visible frame the Timeline scroll bar moves to the middle indicating that more frames are now available in the Timeline. You can then scroll again to the new end of the Timeline and