tailieunhanh - Ebook Super kids 5: Teacher's Guide

Ebook Super kids 5: Teacher's Guide giới thiệu tới các bé những đoạn hội thoại bằng tiếng Anh sau đó đưa ra những bài tập giúp bé củng cố kiến thức. Tài liệu này được biên soạn nhằm giúp nâng cao khả năng ghi nhớ từ vựng tiếng Anh của các bé nói riêng và kiến thức tiếng Anh nói chung. | Teacher's Guide t Aledo Krquse . Greg Cossu l'ttlrlisltctl lri' Asia ' l/ I; (.orrtrvrrll .l;rikoo I l'llrt'c lorrst' I 1)ill Kirrg's ltoirrl (Jrrlrrrv lltry Ikrrrg Krlng !.rr: + tt5ll ('- 2{1510 957tt rniril: aelt@ rvtvrv. alrd Assoclated Companles throughout the world. (i) I'uarson liducation Asia 2005 ;\ll riglrts rr:scrvcd; no pilrt of this publication rnay be rr:produced, $tored in a rctrieval systclllr or trattslnittcd irr arr\'frrrrn or by an],rncarrs, elcrctronic, rnccltanical, plrutocopying, recorclittg or otlterrvise, witlrotlt the prior n'rittcn llcrnrission of thc Publishers. 'I lrc folkln'ing pagcs, hortevcr, rnay be photocopicd lly a school or tcachcr for ustt itt a classroolll: pl). 30-3 I, ,10*,ll, L0-51,54-55,51|-59, 0t]-69, 7tl-79, BU-89,92-93,96-97, 106-107, I l6-l 17, 12$-127,130-131, 134-135, l:I), , l,t(i, 147, t7l-179, It|2-187. I:irst ('diti()rt I llll7 'l his t'dition 20(15 I'rotlrrcctl lly l)earsou liducatiort Asia , IIuug Kotrg NI,CC/01 lsllN 962 00 51296 X l'trblislring Marrager: (ircgg Sclrroedcr I l)ublisher: Clrristiertnc Itlodgct lrlanagirrg llditrlr: NIarie Webster Iirlitor: lan I)urtklrr l)esigrrers: Iuttko Funaki,'lilnic Ng lllust rator: llcrrrtl lMrng Ackrtowlerlgcnlcnts I rvish to cxl)rcss lny tllilllks (o nly students, rvlro tauglrI rrrc cvcrything I have learned about tlrcnr, to rrrY crlitors, u'lrose clcdication and prol'cssionalisltr are rcsponsible for all that is good in this cditiclrr, arrtl to rn1'' nlotlrcr, , rvlro alrvays kncrv I lvould write a book and rvhosc crlcollragerncnt led n)c to tr)'. And rrrv [rali(u(lo to l,cslc1,, rvithout whonr tlris woukl not [lc, Alerla Krause \\'ritirrg a clriltlren',s coursc is a tcarn t -- ellbrt. I rvoukl like to llrank all of thc ctlitors anrl tlrc cutire Srr; t('lnl irt l\:arsurr liducttiorr ftlr rrrlking (lrr: ncw crlition o['.Srr;lcrl( a .