tailieunhanh - Lecture Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage (4e) - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Ethics, corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and strategy. The main goals of this chapter are to: Understand why the standards of ethical behavior in business are no different from ethical standards in general, recognize conditions that give rise to unethical business strategies and behavior, gain an understanding of the costs of business ethics failures,. | Student Version 1 Linking Strategy, Ethics and Social Responsibility In crafting and executing a strategy that delivers value to both customers and shareholders, does a firm have a duty to: Act in an ethical manner? Demonstrate socially responsible behavior by being a committed corporate citizen? Adopt business practices that conserve natural resources, protect the interest of future generations, and preserve the well-being of the planet? 2 2 Crafting and Executing Legal, Moral, and Ethical Strategies To always act in a legal, ethical and moral manner in its relations with all stakeholders To adopt business practices that conserve natural resources and protect the interest of future generations A Firm’s Ethical Duties to Its Stakeholders To demonstrate socially responsible behavior by being a committed corporate citizen What Do We Mean By Business Ethics? Business ethics Is the application of ethical principles and standards to the actions and decisions of business organizations and the conduct of their personnel. How do ethics and business ethics differ? Ethical principles in business are not different materially different from ethical principles in general. Business actions Are judged by general ethical standards of society. Are not subject to more permissive standards. Drivers of Unethical Strategies and Business Behavior The view that “the business of business is business, not ethics” Heavy pressures on managers to meet performance targets Overzealous pursuit of wealth and other selfish interests A company culture that fosters illegal and unethical conduct Reasons for Unethical Behaviors The Business Case for Ethical Strategies Deliberate pursuit of unethical strategies and tolerance of unethical conduct is a risky and costly practice from both a shareholder perspective and a reputational standpoint. Adopting ethical strategies and engaging only in ethical conduct are simply good business. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) Requires that publically-traded firms . | Student Version 1 Linking Strategy, Ethics and Social Responsibility In crafting and executing a strategy that delivers value to both customers and shareholders, does a firm have a duty to: Act in an ethical manner? Demonstrate socially responsible behavior by being a committed corporate citizen? Adopt business practices that conserve natural resources, protect the interest of future generations, and preserve the well-being of the planet? 2 2 Crafting and Executing Legal, Moral, and Ethical Strategies To always act in a legal, ethical and moral manner in its relations with all stakeholders To adopt business practices that conserve natural resources and protect the interest of future generations A Firm’s Ethical Duties to Its Stakeholders To demonstrate socially responsible behavior by being a committed corporate citizen What Do We Mean By Business Ethics? Business ethics Is the application of ethical principles and standards to the actions and decisions of business organizations and