tailieunhanh - Academic Skills

The skills required to successfully complete your degree at any university/college cannot be learned overnight. Some skills may already be in place, others will only come with practice and experience. These skills also continue to be relevant after you have left your school. The sources contained on this web page will attempt to form the basis for development of key academic skills. | For more material and information please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at Academic Skills The skills required to successfully complete your degree at any university college cannot be learned overnight. Some skills may already be in place others will only come with practice and experience. These skills also continue to be relevant after you have left your school. The sources contained on this web page will attempt to form the basis for development of key academic skills. Note Taking The best note takers are often the most successful college students. Part of the challenge in taking good notes is that teaching styles vary from instructor to instructor -so do lecturing styles. Some instructors are well organized and some wander some are story tellers allowing students to determine how the story is significant. It is essential for students to determine an instructor s lecturing style and method for divulging important ideas. This helps them determine what information needs to be included in notes taken during a lecture. In order to aid students in developing good note-taking skills in the classroom it is important to provide them with a working knowledge about the subject. Therefore it is critical to have them actually engage in the art of taking notes during class. The computer-based version of this course provides basic information about developing notetaking skills. It also models the development of notetaking skills through a group of virtual students who are listening to information provided by other members of the group. TAKING NOTES IN CLASS 1. BEFORE THE LECTURE BEGINS o Make some preparation for the lecture so that you will be more likely to predict the organization of the lecture. CHECK THE COURSE OUTLINE to see if the lecturer has listed the topic or key ideas in the upcoming lecture. If so convert this information into questions to be answered in the lecture. BEFORE THE LECTURE complete outside reading or reference assignments. REVIEW THE TEXT