tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P22

Adobe Flash CS3: The Professional Portfolio- P22:Now you can easily create web-ready images and animations within the familiar Adobe environment. With the recent acquisition of Macromedia, Adobe has added Flash to its suite of creative products, thus solidifying its position as the world's leading developer of graphic and visual communications tools. The Against The Clock Portfolio Series Flash title ensures that you'll learn everything you need to complete any job that requires Flash skills | Slfty 1 Creating Shape Tweens As you know Flash offers rwo different kinds of tweens. You already learned about motion tweens which are used to move objects across the Stage. A shape tween allows you to change the shape of an object in between keyframes. You might use a shape tween to change a circle into a square for example or change the letter A into an apple. Shape tweens offer almost unlimited creative possibilities. For example making an object smaller over time makes it look as though it s moving away from the viewer making an object larger over time reverses the effect making the object appear to move closer to the viewer. Rdd Lrvers for Tujeened Objects Animated objects are always contained on their own layers shape tweens follow that same rule. Thinking about workflow take note of the order in which you perform the tasks in this exercise. First you import or create any artwork you might need. Because each piece of artwork is isolated on its own layer you need to create layers. Next you need to time the animation and then you begin to add tweens. In this exercise you add the layers for your shape tweens which will allow you to reveal objects on underlying layers. 1. Create a new Flash document 56 pixels wide by 72 pixels high and 15 frames per second. You re again matching the dimensions of the original animation so at the end of the assignment all the icons will be exactly the same size. 2. Center the Stage in the window and then import to the Stage. Make sure layers are converted and the artwork is not placed in its original position. ijx 6 Scene 30 35 3 3. Select the Chart layer and add three new layers. It s important that you put the three new layers on top of the Chart layer otherwise the animation won t work properly. To make this animation work you re going to create three white shapes on top of the chart and then you re going to animate the shapes so that they slowly reveal the contents of the chart. 92 Project 2 Animated Icons