tailieunhanh - Lecture Enterprise systems development (CSC447) - Lecture 17

This chapter include objectives: Define ethics and describe the two factors that affect how you make a decision concerning an ethical issue; define and describe intellectual property, copyright, Fair Use Doctrine, and pirated software; define privacy and describe ways in which it can be threatened. | Lecture 17 Enterprise Systems Development ( CSC447) COMSATS Islamabad Muhammad Usman, Assistant Professor College of Statistical and Acturial Science Software Architecture Evaluation Why Analyzing SA Marry your architecture in haste and you can repent in leisure. -Barry Boehm Being the foundation for any software system, Architecture can allow or preclude almost all system’s quality attributes. Software quality cannot be appended late in a project Proposed design may or may not be suitable . some qualities of importance It should be assessed before long term investment Acquiring a large software system Why Analyzing SA Cost Vs Benefits Costs Staff time Consumption of experienced designers Benefits At AT&T over last eight years average cost savings due to full architecture review is 10% A large company avoided a multimillion-dollar purchase when architecture of global information system they were procuring was found to be incapable of providing the desired system attributes necessary to support a product line Why Analyzing SA Benefits An architecture review of a retail merchandise revealed early that there would be peak order performance problems that no amount of hardware could fix; a major business failure was avoided. In the architecture review of revision control system, a number of severe limitations in achieving system portability and modifiability were uncovered Why Analyzing SA Benefits Early detection of problems Validation of requirements Architectural reviews help uncover conflicts and tradeoffs Improvement in architecture Quality Attributes Evaluation and Quality attributes Categories System Quality attributes discernable at runtime System Quality attributes Not discernable at runtime Quality Attributes System Quality attributes discernable at runtime Performance Security Reliability Usability Quality Attributes System Quality attributes Not discernable at runtime Modifiability Portability Reusability Analysis/Review techniques Questioning . | Lecture 17 Enterprise Systems Development ( CSC447) COMSATS Islamabad Muhammad Usman, Assistant Professor College of Statistical and Acturial Science Software Architecture Evaluation Why Analyzing SA Marry your architecture in haste and you can repent in leisure. -Barry Boehm Being the foundation for any software system, Architecture can allow or preclude almost all system’s quality attributes. Software quality cannot be appended late in a project Proposed design may or may not be suitable . some qualities of importance It should be assessed before long term investment Acquiring a large software system Why Analyzing SA Cost Vs Benefits Costs Staff time Consumption of experienced designers Benefits At AT&T over last eight years average cost savings due to full architecture review is 10% A large company avoided a multimillion-dollar purchase when architecture of global information system they were procuring was found to be incapable of providing the desired system attributes