tailieunhanh - The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value part 62

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book On Value part 62. The purpose of this book is to supply, in a form suitable for laymen, guidance in the adoption and execution of an investment policy. Comparatively little will be said here about the technique of analyzing securities; attention will be paid chiefly to investment principles and investors’ attitudes. We shall, however, provide a number of condensed comparisons of specific securities - chiefly in pairs appearing side by side in the New York Stock Exchange list in order to bring home in concrete fashion the important elements involved in specific choices of common stocks | 596 Index Bush George W. 496 507m business buying the 546 definition of good 308 knowing your 523 business principles of Graham 523-24 businessman s investment 136-37 BusinessWeek 20m 81 505 buy-low-sell-high approach 192-94 buy what you know 125-27 126m buying back shares. See repurchase plans buzzwords investing 172m . Co. 565-66 Cable Wireless 346 California Public Employees Retirement System 146 calls 97-98 139 406m 407-8 407m 421 capital 53 302 308-9 320 320m 324-26 401 404 414. See also capital gains capitalization return on invested capital ROIC specific company capital gains 227 571-72 and market fluctuations 219 224m and portfolio for aggressive investors 149 180m taxes on 75 180m 219 360 561 562 Capital One Financial Corp. 477-79 479m capitalization 123 123m 236 288 290-95 331 340 384 413 414 415 Career Academy 234 Carnegie Andrew 185 Carnival Corp. 167m Carolina Power Light Co. 358 Carter Jimmy 60m case histories and Graham s comparison of eight pairs of companies 446-72 Graham s discussion of four extremely instructive 422-37 Graham s examples of 575-78 Zweig s comments on four extremely instructive 438-45 and Zweig s comparison of eight pairs of companies 473-86 cash cash equivalents and aggressive investors 398 400 and defensive investors 24 25 102 103-4 105 107 109-10 124 and history and forecasting of stock market 82 and security analysis 303 303-4m 308 cash in on the calendar 41-42 46 Cassidy Donald 253 Caterpillar 46 Center for Research in Security Prices University of Chicago 30DEL Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co. 358 Central Illinois Light Co. 358 Central Maine Power Co. 358 Century Telephone Inc. 372 certificates of deposit 97 107 108-9 certificates stock 198 198m 495 495m Certified Financial Planner CFP 276m CGI Commerce Group Inc. 481-82 Chambers John 184 charitable institutions 47 47m Chartered Financial Analyst CFA 264m 265 265m Chase Manhattan Bank 450m Checkers Drive-In Restaurants 216 chemical companies 291 291m 292 Chesterton