This booklet is written for those of you who didn't stop to think thirteen years and nine months ago. Because you didn't, you are now faced with this alien being commonly called a teenager. So what do you do to survive the next five years? Well you could drown the little beastie but that seems rather pointless after already investing the best years of your life in its growth. No a much better idea is to read this booklet. | Loving your Teenager In Spite of Themselves 1 Loving Your Teenager In Spite of Themselves INTRODUCTION This booklet is written for those of you who didn t stop to think thirteen years and nine months ago. Because you didn t you are now faced with this alien being commonly called a teenager. So what do you do to survive the next five years Well you could drown the little beastie but that seems rather pointless after already investing the best years of your life in its growth. No a much better idea is to read this booklet. It s being written by a parent who s been there done that and is now thank goodness a grandmother. Nobody is an expert on child rearing. If they say they are they need a reality check. The ideas expressed in this booklet are just one ordinary woman s opinions. I have no degrees in child behavior but I have something way more valuable hindsight. This hindsight allows me to look back see what worked what didn t and give you the benefit of my knowledge. The first piece of knowledge is KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE This is extremely important. How you think of the teen years you re either approaching or now into will have a definite bearing on how well you do. No matter what anyone else has led you to believe teenagers are a blast. Sure babies are cuddly and cute but then they turn into the terrible twos threes and fours. Five through twelve has some bearable moments if you have the patience to witness T-ball beginning band concerts and Loving your Teenager In Spite of Themselves 2 innumerable sports events. But for pure entertainment value the teen years can t be beat. Where else can you see such pathos such drama such comedy And all within one twenty-four hour period. The mood swings alone will keep you young and vibrant just trying to keep up. Add to this the blossoming of reason and hey this clump of nothing you started with is now a walking talking marvel. Of course this walking talking marvel can sometimes be a pain in the you know what so you ll need