TEN YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 7 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | TEN YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 7 The Portrait of Madame. The discussion was becoming full of bitterness. De Guiche perfectly understood the whole matter for there was in Bragelonne s face a look instinctively hostile while in that of De Wardes there was something like a determination to offend. Without inquiring into the different feelings which actuated his two friends De Guiche resolved to ward off the blow which he felt was on the point of being dealt by one of them and perhaps by both. Gentlemen he said we must take our leave of each other I must pay a visit to Monsieur. You De Wardes will accompany me to the Louvre and you Raoul will remain here master of the house and as all that is done here is under your advice you will bestow the last glance upon my preparations for departure. Raoul with the air of one who neither seeks nor fears a quarrel bowed his head in token of assent and seated himself upon a bench in the sun. That is well said De Guiche remain where you are Raoul and tell them to show you the two horses I have just purchased you will give me your opinion for I only bought them on condition that you ratified the purchase. By the by I have to beg your pardon for having omitted to inquire after the Comte de la Fere. While pronouncing these latter words he closely observed De Wardes in order to perceive what effect the name of Raoul s father would produce upon him. I thank you answered the young man the count is very well. A gleam of deep hatred passed into De Wardes s eyes. De Guiche who appeared not to notice the foreboding expression went up to Raoul and grasping him by the hand said - It is agreed then Bragelonne is it not that you will rejoin us in the courtyard of the Palais Royal He then signed to De Wardes to follow him who had been engaged in balancing himself first on one foot then on the other. We are going said he come M. Malicorne. This name made Raoul start for it seemed that he had already heard it pronounced before but he could