tailieunhanh - Lecture Management (2nd edition) – Chapter 11: The human side of management

This chapter’s objectives are to: Describe how managers make a significant difference by attracting, selecting, and retaining the best available talent within legal requirements; explain how managers assess human resource needs and select talent to meet demand; discuss different approaches to increasing organizational performance through the education of employees; | Chapter 11 The Human Side of Management Describe how managers make a significant difference by attracting, selecting, and retaining the best available talent within legal requirements Explain how managers assess human resource needs and select talent to meet demand Discuss different approaches to increasing organizational performance through the education of employees Describe how managers retain employees and adjust to turnover Design a performance development process based on organizational needs Learning Objectives Organizational function that deals with people-related issues (., recruitment, performance management, benefits, and training) while ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws Collective bargaining Process of negotiation between employers and trade unions with respect to the conditions of work Labor relations Relationship between management and the workforce Human Resources Management (p. 276) Equal employment opportunity (p. 277) Principle that every employee | Chapter 11 The Human Side of Management Describe how managers make a significant difference by attracting, selecting, and retaining the best available talent within legal requirements Explain how managers assess human resource needs and select talent to meet demand Discuss different approaches to increasing organizational performance through the education of employees Describe how managers retain employees and adjust to turnover Design a performance development process based on organizational needs Learning Objectives Organizational function that deals with people-related issues (., recruitment, performance management, benefits, and training) while ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws Collective bargaining Process of negotiation between employers and trade unions with respect to the conditions of work Labor relations Relationship between management and the workforce Human Resources Management (p. 276) Equal employment opportunity (p. 277) Principle that every employee has an equal right to advance in a company regardless of age, sex, race, disability, or color Increasingly important as workforce becomes more diverse Human Resources Management (cont.) Making the human side of management strategic Talent management – strategic deliberate approach to attracting new highly skilled workers and developing the abilities of existing employees to meet current and future organizational objectives (p. 277) Human capital – employee skills and experience gained by education and training that increase the economic value for employers Human Resources Management (cont.) Defining and planning human resource needs HR managers analyze the needs of each department Determine the type of employee that has the skills appropriate for work in the department Employment at will (p. 280) Concept that employees can quit their jobs at any time without any reason, and employers can terminate employees at any time and for any reason Knowledge workers Self-motivated employees that