tailieunhanh - Ebook All things nursing: Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book “All things nursing” has contents: Maternal-neonatal care, pediatric care, adult disorders, maternal-neonatal disorders, pediatric disorders, standards of care, ethical situations, nursing education, nursing specialties. | 7 8/1/13 9:57 AM Page 346 Maternal-neonatal care Taking an obstetric history When taking the pregnant patient’s obstetric history, ask her about: • genital tract anomalies • medications used during this pregnancy • history of hepatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, blood transfusions, and herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) • partner’s history of STDs • previous abortions • history of infertility. Pregnancy particulars Ask the patient about past pregnancies. Note the number of past fullterm and preterm pregnancies and obtain the following information about each of the patient’s past pregnancies, if applicable: • Was the pregnancy planned? • Did any complications—such as spotting, swelling of the hands and feet, surgery, or falls—occur? • Did the patient receive prenatal care? If so, when did she start? • Did she take any medications? If so, what were they? How long did she take them? Why? • What was the duration of the pregnancy? • How was the pregnancy overall for the patient? 346 Birth and baby specifics Obtain information about the birth and postpartum condition in all previous pregnancies: • What was the duration of labor? • What type of birth was it? • What type of anesthesia did the patient have, if any? • Did the patient experience complications during pregnancy or labor? • What were the birthplace, condition, sex, weight, and Rh factor of the neonate? • Was the labor as she had expected it? Better? Worse? • Did she have stitches after birth? • What was the condition of the neonate after birth? • What was the neonate’s Apgar score? • Was special care needed for the neonate? If so, what? • Did the neonate experience problems during the first several days after birth? • What’s the child’s present state of health? • Was the neonate discharged from the health care facility with the mother? • Did the patient experience postpartum .