tailieunhanh - Lecture Introduction to business - Lecture 17: Motivating and leading employees

The following will be discussed in this chapter: Describe the nature and importance of psychological contracts in the workplace, importance of job satisfaction and employee morale, important theories of motivation, strategies to improve job satisfaction and employee motivation, managerial style of leadership. | Lecture 17 Chapter 9 MOTIVATING AND LEADING EMPLOYEES Chapter Outcome Describe the nature and importance of psychological contracts in the workplace Importance of job satisfaction and employee morale Important theories of motivation Strategies to improve job satisfaction and employee motivation Managerial style of leadership Psychological Contract Set of expectation held by employees concerning what they will contribute and what the organization will provide Employee’s Contributions Organization’s Inducements Result – satisfaction and motivation Psychological Contract Human Relations- Interaction Of Employees With Company And Each Other Job Satisfaction Degree of enjoyment derived from work Morale Overall attitude towards work Turnover Annual % of workforce that leaves and must be replaced Organizational Success Satisfied VS dissatisfied worker Trends In Satisfaction & Morale Massive Layoffs/Cutbacks Improving Economy Could Mean Reduced Morale Reinstate Benefits High Priorities For Today’s Workforce Family Orientation Sense Of Community Quality Of Life Issues Volunteerism Autonomy Flexibility & Nonconformity Workplace Motivation Motivation- Forces Affecting People’s Behavior Classical Theory/Scientific Management Behavior Theory Contemporary Motivational Theories Classical Theory Frederick Taylor (1911) More Money = Greater Motivation Efficient Company = Higher Profits & Pay Time-And-Motion Study Behavior Theory Hawthorne Studies (1925) Physical Environment Changes Affect Worker Output Increased Pay did not increase productivity Hawthorne Effect – productivity rose in response to management action that workers interpreted as special attention Theories X & Y (1960) Belief about how best to use the human resource employed by the firm, Theory Y managers are more likely to have satisfied workforce Hierarchy Of Needs (1954) Abrahim Maslow Two-Factor Theory(1959) – Fredrick Herzberg Job Satisfaction Depends On Two Factors Expectancy Theory Victor Vroom (1964) People . | Lecture 17 Chapter 9 MOTIVATING AND LEADING EMPLOYEES Chapter Outcome Describe the nature and importance of psychological contracts in the workplace Importance of job satisfaction and employee morale Important theories of motivation Strategies to improve job satisfaction and employee motivation Managerial style of leadership Psychological Contract Set of expectation held by employees concerning what they will contribute and what the organization will provide Employee’s Contributions Organization’s Inducements Result – satisfaction and motivation Psychological Contract Human Relations- Interaction Of Employees With Company And Each Other Job Satisfaction Degree of enjoyment derived from work Morale Overall attitude towards work Turnover Annual % of workforce that leaves and must be replaced Organizational Success Satisfied VS dissatisfied worker Trends In Satisfaction & Morale Massive Layoffs/Cutbacks Improving Economy Could Mean Reduced Morale Reinstate Benefits High Priorities For .