tailieunhanh - Ebook Rapid interpretation of balance function tests: Part 1
(BQ) Part 1 book “Rapid interpretation of balance function tests” has contents: Vestibular physiology — yes you can understand this, the approach to the dizzy patient, overview of diagnostic testing, ocular motor studies. | Keyt opi csi nbal ancef unct i ont es t i ngar eaddr es s ed,s uchasi ndi cat i onsf or t es t i ng,whatt hes et es t scanandcannotr eveal ,aswel last hebas i csonhow t hes e t es t sar eper f or medandi nt er pr et ed. Mi chaelJ .Ruckens t ei n,MD,MSc,F ACS,i s pr of es s orandvi cechai r manoft heDepar t mentof Ot or hi nol ar yngol ogyHeadandNeckSur ger yat t heUni ver s i t yofPenns yl vani a,wher ehedi r ect s t her es i dencyt r ai ni ngpr ogr am,t heDi z z i nes sand Bal anceCent er ,andt heCent erf orI mpl ant abl e Hear i ngDevi ces .Hehol dsas peci al t y cer t i f i cat i oni not ol ar yngol ogyheadandneck s ur ger yandas ubs peci al t ycer t i f i cat i oni n neur ot ol ogyf r om t heAmer i canBoar dof Ot ol ar yngol ogyHeadandNeckSur ger . Ruckens t ei nhasanact i vecl i ni calpr act i ce f ocus i ngonmedi calands ur gi caldi s eas esoft he earands kul lbas sr es ear chf ocus esont he devel opmentofqual i t yofl i f emeas ur esf or di s eas ess uchasacous t i cneur omasand Méni èr e’ sdi s eas e,aswel last hepat hophys i ol ogy ofi nnereardi s eas e. Sher r i eDavi s ,AuD,F AAA,i sacl i ni cal s peci al i s tandt hedi r ect oroft heDepar t mentof Audi ol ogyandt heDi z z i nes sandBal anceCent er att heUni ver s i t yofPenns yl vani saF el l ow oft heAmer i canAcademyofAudi ol ogyand hol dsacer t i f i cat eofcl i ni calcompet encef r om t heAmer i canSpeechL anguageHear i ng As s oci at i .Davi shaspr ovi dedves t i bul ar di agnos t i ct es t i ngandi nt er pr et at i onf orpat i ent s r angi ngf r om .
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