tailieunhanh - Lecture Management - Chapter 17: Communication

Chapter 17 - Communication. This chapter begins with a discussion of how managers facilitate strategic conversations by using communication to direct everyone’s attention to the vision, values, and goals of the organization. | Communication Chapter 17 Communication In today’s turbulent environment, crisis communication is at the top of everyone’s needed-skills list. Effective communication, both within the organization and with people outside the company, is a major challenge and responsibility for managers Manager’s Challenge: Griffin Hospital Communication How manager’s job require communication Communication process model Interpersonal aspects of communication Organization as a whole Keeping channels open Manager’s role - keeping open; turbulent times Barriers to communication Topics Chapter 17 What is Communication? Process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior Manager = 80% every working day in direct communication with others – 48 min/hour Manager = 20% every work day in communication in the form of reading and writing -12 min/hour The Manager as Communication Champion Source: Adapted from Henry . | Communication Chapter 17 Communication In today’s turbulent environment, crisis communication is at the top of everyone’s needed-skills list. Effective communication, both within the organization and with people outside the company, is a major challenge and responsibility for managers Manager’s Challenge: Griffin Hospital Communication How manager’s job require communication Communication process model Interpersonal aspects of communication Organization as a whole Keeping channels open Manager’s role - keeping open; turbulent times Barriers to communication Topics Chapter 17 What is Communication? Process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior Manager = 80% every working day in direct communication with others – 48 min/hour Manager = 20% every work day in communication in the form of reading and writing -12 min/hour The Manager as Communication Champion Source: Adapted from Henry Mintzberg, The Nature Of Managerial Work(New York:Harper & Row, 1973),72. External Information Internal Information Manager as Communication Champion Purpose-Directed Direct attention to vision, values, desired outcomes Influence employee behavior Strategic Conversations Open communication Listening Dialogue Feedback Methods Rich channels Upward, downward, & horizontal channels Nonverbal communication Personal networks Communication Process Model Noise Sender Encodes Message Receiver Decodes Message Channel Feedback Loop (Return message decoded) (Return message encoded) Channel Channel Richness Information amount can be transmitted during communication episode Persuasion and Influence Businesses are run largely by cross-functional teams who are actively involved in making decisions Ability to persuade and influence others is even more critical today than ever before To persuade and influence, managers have to communicate frequently and easily with others Experiential