tailieunhanh - 4Organizational-Behavior-Joseph-E.-Champoux-20102

Part 3GROUP 1 Introduction: The Context of Modern Organizational 2 Individual Processes in 3 Group and Interpersonal Processes in 4 Organizational 5 Organizational Design and Organizational 10 Groups and Intergroup 11 Conflict in 12 Leadership and ManagementPart 3 introduces you to group dynamics and interpersonal processes . The main topics include behavior in and between groups, organizations, and leadership and management. Each chapter aspects of the topics and the ethical issues they raiseThe first chapter in this part, Chapter 10, “Groups and Intergroup Processes,”.describes groups and intergroup processes in organizations. It begins between formal and informal groups in organizations and a basic conceptual foundation. The chapter offers various perspectives in organizations. The chapter builds a model of group formation help you understand how and why cohesive groups form in organizationsChapter 10 features sections on virtual groups, self-managing teams, , the effects of workforce diversity on group dynamics, and affect group effectiveness. The chapter also examines the functions of groupsChapter 11, “Conflict in Organizations,” focuses on conflict and in organizations. It begins by defining conflict and conflict, dysfunctional conflict, and different levels of conflictConflict episodes and the dynamics of conflict behavior are then discussed. feature of conflict in organizations is a key point. A section on and orientations notes their effects on a conflict episode. The a model of conflict management that can guide you in choosing reduce conflict and when to increase conflict. The model can also help conflict in an organizationThe third chapter in this part, Chapter 12, “Leadership and Management,”.describes leadership processes and organizations. It views leadership as process that affects other people’s behavior. Several approaches to of leadership have evolved over the years. Trait approaches looked qualities that distinguished effective from ineffective leaders or followers. Behavioral approaches focused on leader behavior and . Contingency approaches studied the effects of different different situations. The chapter also describes several alternative views 10GROUPS reading this chapter, you should be able between formal and informal groupsDefine the basic conceptual tools for understanding groupsCompare the functions and dysfunctions of groups in organizationsDescribe how and why cohesive groups form in organizationsDiscuss the role of activities, interactions, and sentiments in formationList the stages of group development and the behavior that likely each stageDefine factors that affect group effectiveness, including in groupsDiscuss the functioning of virtual groups in organizations and of virtual group technologyExplain the emergence and use of self-managing teams in organizationsDiscuss the management roles required by self-managing teamsDescribe workgroup socialization processesExplain intergroup processes in organizationsAppreciate some international and ethical issues that surround intergroup processes in organizationsGROUPS AND INTERGROUP PROCESSESGroups, group dynamics, and intergroup processes and critical aspects of organizations manage