tailieunhanh - The theoretical study for implementing CBI in teaching esp in Vietnam

The article is an attempt to present briefly the effective Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for English for Specific purposes (ESP) classes. The author has articulated the shared understanding of methodological practice found for learning and teaching of both content and language. This article is trying to develop the widely-accepted term Content-based Instruction (CBI), CLIL in teaching ESP and give a clear-cut implementation in teaching ESP for university students in Vietnam. | TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHIỆP THỰC PHẨM THÁNG 10 NĂM2013 THE THEORETICAL STUDY FOR IMPLEMENTING CBI IN TEACHING ESP IN VIETNAM Tran Tin Nghi* ABSTRACT The article is an attempt to present briefly the effective Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for English for Specific purposes (ESP) classes. The author has articulated the shared understanding of methodological practice found for learning and teaching of both content and language. This article is trying to develop the widely-accepted term Content-based Instruction (CBI), CLIL in teaching ESP and give a clear-cut implementation in teaching ESP for university students in Vietnam. TÓM TẮT Bài viết trình bày ngắn gọn nội dung của ứng dụng Phƣơng pháp Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) cho các lớp học Anh văn chuyên ngành (ESP). Tác giả đã làm r các phƣơng pháp luận liên quan đến Nội dung chuyên ngành và phƣơng pháp dạy học Ngoại ngữ. Bài viết này góp phần pháp triển các thuật ngữ mới liên quan đến Content-based Instruction (CBI), CLIL trong việc giảng dạy ESP và đƣa ra các ứng dụng thực tế trong việc giảng dạy ESP cho sinh viên đại học ở Việt Nam. 1. Introduction There are many views on the definitions of the Content-Based Instruction (CBI) because language learners and teachers have been working on with others approaches and methodologies rather than the term CBI. It is only acknowledged when a key step in designing an effective curriculum that meets the needs of students, the instructors and specific programs in order to identify and agree on a working definition of these terms. It is very important to classify the concept of „content‟ in CBI. Crandall and Tucker (1990) describe content as “academic subject matter” while Curtain and Pesola (1994) express CBI as “curriculum concepts being taught through the foreign language”. These discrete views represent a contrasting aspect of CBI in which „content‟ itself is emphasized in a language learning context. The tendency of applying .