tailieunhanh - Territorial Diagnostic of the Tara River Basin Biosphere Reserve and the Durmitor World Heritage Site in Montenegro - Davide Poletto (Ph.D.)

The topics discussed in this research are: General perception of the territory and orientations toward the environment, orientations toward the local development, orientations toward the environment and the quality of life, relations with key actors in sustainable development and decision-making participation. | UNESCO Office in Venice UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE) • Territorial Diagnostic of the Tara River Basin Biosphere Reserve and the Durmitor World Heritage Site in Montenegro Davide Poletto (.) Research grant FR: 3240102709 Acknowledgments: Special thanks are reserved to UNESCO BRESCE-Science Section, Environmental Unit team, CHF-FORS Montenegro, The Department of International Relations of the Region of Veneto, the “bureau d’etude Antilia” of Turin (Italy), The Italian National Park of Dolomiti Bellunesi, the Italian Research Association for Sustainable Development Initiatives, Mr. Jérôme Gandin, and Mr. Michele Vivenzi for their precious contribution in funding, elaborating and finalising this research. 1 IT/2007/SC/PI/02 Disclaimer The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this publication and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designation employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. © UNESCO Office in Venice – UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE) 2007 Palazzo Zorzi – 4930 Castello, Venice, Italy Tel. +39-041-260-1511, Fax. +39-041-528-9995 Email: veniceoffice@ Webpage: 2 INDEX INTRODUCTION. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .7 DATA ANALYSIS 8 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INTERVIWEES 9 1. GENDER 2. AGE 3. FAMILY STRUCTURE 4. RESIDENCE & FACILITIES (1-2-3-4) 5. EDUCATION 6. PROFESSION (1-2-3-4) FIRST POINT OF FOCUS: GENERAL PERCEPTION OF THE TERRITORY AND .