tailieunhanh - Ebook Statistics for managers using - Microsoft excel (5th edition): Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book "Statistics for managers using - Microsoft excel" has contents: Sampling and sampling distributions, confidence interval estimation, fundamentals of hypothesis testing - One sample tests, simple linear regression, introduction to multiple regression. | CHAPTER 7 Sampling and Sampling Distributions USING STATISTICS @ Oxford Cereals TYPES OF SAMPLING METHODS Simple Random Samples Systematic Samples Stratified Samples Cluster Samples EVALUATING SURVEY WORTHINESS Survey Errors Ethical Issues SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN The Unbiased Property of the Sample Mean Standard Error of the Mean Sampling from Normally Distributed Populations Sampling from Non-Normally Distributed Populations The Central Limit Theorem SAMPLING DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROPORTION (CD-ROM TOPIC) SAMPLING FROM FINITE POPULATIONS EXCEL COMPANION TO CHAPTER 7 Creating Simple Random Samples (Without Replacement) Creating Simulated Sampling Distributions LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this chapter, you learn: To distinguish between different sampling methods * The concept of the sampling distribution * To compute probabilities related to the sample mean and the sample proportion * The importance of the Central Limit Theorem * Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, Fifth Edition, by David M. Levine, Mark L. Berenson, and Timothy C. Krehbiel. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. 252 CHAPTER SEVEN Sampling and Sampling Distributions Using Statistics @ Oxford Cereals Oxford Cereals fills thousands of boxes of cereal during an eighthour shift. As the plant operations manager, you are responsible for monitoring the amount of cereal placed in each box. To be consistent with package labeling, boxes should contain a mean of 368 grams of cereal. Because of the speed of the process, the cereal weight varies from box to box, causing some boxes to be underfilled and others overfilled. If the process is not working properly, the mean weight in the boxes could vary too much from the label weight of 368 grams to be acceptable. Because weighing every single box is too time-consuming, costly, and inefficient, you must take a sample of boxes. For each sample .