tailieunhanh - Ebook Elements of development administration: Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book "Elements of development administration" has contents: People's particjpation and administration; enterprises and development administration, decision making process, administration of law and order, public policy and administration. | 5People's Particjpation and Administration Introduction The concept of public participation was first operational in ancient Greece where democracy as a form of government originated. In the direct democracies of ancient Greece all important decisions were taken by popular assemblies and the citizens were active-participants in the affairs of state. Since then the meaning and content of democracy has both widened and narrowed with the changing nature and role of state. The connotation of democracy has now widened to include with the political, social and economical content as well. Citizen participation may be used both for support by an agency and as a control device by the law makers. Participation has both a broad and a narrow connotation. In a broad sense, it implies giving every citizen an opportunity to actively participate in constructive public work, besides the franchise in a democracy. In a narrow sense, participation 96 Elements of Development-Administration would refer to a specific action by which the citizen registers his involvement in public affairs to achieve a particular objective. 1 Pa,.rticipation may be direct or indirect, formal or informal, it may be political, social or administrative in nature. People's participation in the development process means active cooperation and involvement of the general masses and the targeted public in the various interfaces of the decisionmaking process in development administration. Public participation is integral to the very process of development particularly the development of a developing democracy like India. It calls for both political and administrative decen tralisa tion. Rapid Socio-economic development is one of the key goals of most governments specially developing countries where the administration is involved in the economy in various ways. People's participation may be used both for support by an agency and as a control device by the law makers. Development-administration is administration