tailieunhanh - Ebook Automationproduction systems and cim groover 2001: Part 1

(BQ) Part 1 book "Automation production systems and cim groover 2001" has contents: Introduction, manufacturing operations, introduction to automation, industrial control systems, industrial control systems, numerical control, industrial robotics, discrete control using programmable logic controllers and personal computers,. And other contents. | Forward This textbook series is published at a very opportunity time when the discipline of industrial engineering is experiencing a phenomenal growth in China academia and with its increased interests in the utilization of the concepts, methods and tools of industrial engineering in the workplace. Effective utilization of these industrial engineering approaches in the workplace should result in increased productivity, quality of work, satisfaction and profitability to the cooperation. The books in this series should be most suitable to junior and senior undergraduate students and first year graduate students, and to those in industry who need to solve problems on the design, operation and management of industrial systems. Gavriel Salvendy Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University April, 2002 Preface The first edition of this hook was published in lW;o under the title Automation, Production Systems, Manufacturing. A revision was published in 1981 with about 200 more pages and a slightly different title:AutomarioR, Production Systems, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. The additional pages expanded the coverage of topres like industrial robotics, programmable logic controllers, material handling and storage, and quality control. nut much of the hook was very similar to the 191';0lex I. By the time I started work on the current volume (technically the second edition of the 1'187 title, but in fact the third generation nfthc 19XO publication). it was clear that the book was in need of a thorough rewriting, New technologies had heen developed and existing technologies had advanced. new theories and rnethodoirrgies had emerged in the re"'~lrch ] my own understanding of automation and production systems had grown and matured (at least [ think so). Readers of the two previous books will find this new volume to be quite different (rom its .