tailieunhanh - Ebook Child management in clinical dentistry: Part 2
Part 2 book “Child management in clinical dentistry” has contents: Designing a dental clinic for children, pain management in pediatric dentistry, management of children with extremely disruptive child behavior in dental clinic, dental management of children with hypersensitive gagging reflex, need for the pharmacological management, and other contents. | 8 Designing a Dental Clinic for Children Children relate to surroundings and react to people around them much differently from adults. In order to treat them comfortably in the dental clinics, the approach of the dental clinic staff and the clinic atmosphere thus have an important role. Children do have a ‘place memory’. This can be both advantageous as well as disadvantageous to us. Children do not like to visit a place where they have experienced discomfort previously. Also, children like to be in places and catch up with people that are fun for them! Often, medical set-ups are stereotype and hence are not liked by children. A child-friendly dental set-up, thus, has to be a little different from a routine clinic. Children behave, expect and imagine much differently from adults. Keeping this in mind, we have to design a clinic as well as formulate a system of functioning! Pleasant visits to the dental office promote the establishment of trust and confidence in a child that last a lifetime. The goal of a dental team must be to help all children feel good about visiting the dentist and to teach them how to care for their teeth. From the office design to the style of communication, the main concern of the dental team must be what is best for a child. Also, since about one third of the nations’ population is children, the onus would always be with the general dental practitioners to treat children in their clinics and therefore their clinics must be ‘child-friendly’. Furthermore, we live in a ‘child-centered’ society today and hence in the dental clinics too, children should be considered important visitors. The dentist must not only have a child-friendly dental clinic design, but also possess a child-friendly approach in the clinical practice. Both verbal and non-verbal messages can help portray child-friendliness in a dental clinic. Often, many dentists overlook a few simple considerations that are required for childfriendliness in the design of the clinic and .
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