tailieunhanh - Ebook Reproductive disruptions - Gender, Technology, and biopolitics in the new millennium: Part 1

Part 1 book “Reproductive disruptions - Gender, Technology, and biopolitics in the new millennium” has contents: The dialectics of disruption - paradoxes of nature and professionalism in contemporary american childbearing; designing a woman-centered health care approach to pregnancy loss - lessons from feminist models of childbirth. | Reproductive Disruptions Fertility Reproduction and Sexuality General Editors David Parkin Direứor of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology University of Oxford Soraya Tremayne Co-ordinating Director of the Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group and Research Associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology University of Oxford and a Vice-President of the Royal Anthropological Institute Marcia Inhorn William K. Lanman Jr. Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs and Chair of the Council on Middle East Studies Yale University Volume 1 Managing Reproductive Life Cross-Cultural Themes in Fertility and Sexuality Edited by s or ay a Tremayne Volume 2 Modern Babylon Prostituting children in Thailand Heather Montgomery Volume 3 Reproductive Agency Medicine and the state Cultural Transformations in Childbearing Edited by Maya Unnithan-Kumar Volume 4 A New Look at Thai AIDS Perspectives from the Margin Graham Fordham Volume 5 Breast Feeding and Sexuality Behaviour Beliefs and Taboos among the Gogo Mothers in Tanzania Mara Mabilia Volume 6 Ageing without children European and Asian Perspectives on Elderly Access to Support Networks Philip Kreager and Elisabeth Schroder-Butterfill Volume 7 Nameless Relations Anonymity Melanesia and Reproductive Gift Exchange between British Ova Donors and Recipients Monica Konrad Volume 8 Population Reproduction and Fertility in Melanesia Edited by Stanley J. ulijaszek Volume 9 Conceiving Kinship Heterosexual Lesbian and Gay Procreation Family and Relatedness in the Age of Assisted Conception in South Europe Bonaccorso M. Volume 10 Where There is No Midwife Birth and Loss in Rural India Pinto Sarah Volume 11 Reproductive Disruptions Gender Technology and Biopolitics in the New Millennium Inhorn M. c. REPRODUCTIVE DISRUPTIONS Gender Technology and Biopolitics IN THE New Millennium Edited by Marcia c. Inhorn ị Berghahn Books New York .