tailieunhanh - Quality management of transport engineering constructions in vietnam responsibilities and obligations of related parties

Management of transport engineering construction quality is a very serious problem in need of attention in Vietnam today. This determines the quality, progress and cost of construction of works. This article deals with the responsibilities, obligations, and coordination of the relevant parties, including owner, contractor, design consultant, and construction supervision consultant in the field of transport engineering construction quality. | Trường Đại học Vinh Tạp chí khoa học, Tập 47, Số 1A (2018), tr. 27-34 QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF TRANSPORT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONS IN VIETNAM RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF RELATED PARTIES Nguyen Thi Thu Hang Department of Civil Engineering, Vinh University Received on 12/3/2018, accepted for publication on 10/5/2018 Abstract: Management of transport engineering construction quality is a very serious problem in need of attention in Vietnam today. This determines the quality, progress and cost of construction of works. This article deals with the responsibilities, obligations, and coordination of the relevant parties, including owner, contractor, design consultant, and construction supervision consultant in the field of transport engineering construction quality. 1. Introduction Traffic is the backbone of the whole social-economic system. Under the condition that Vietnam is on the path of development, the improvement of transport system plays a very special role. The fact indicates that rapidly urbanized regions have a faster economic growth, higher population density and higher building density. As such, the role of construction managers is increasingly recognized as an indispensable factor for the development and assurance of quality of the transport engineering system. The development of the technical infrastructure system in Vietnam is completely spontaneous and does not meet the requirements of urban development [2]. The process of construction of traffic works involves five key aspects, including quality, safety, cost, construction schedule, and the environment. Poor management in construction of traffic system will result in many other factors, such as bad and non- synchronized technical infrastructure system quality, delayed project progress, increased costs, polluted environment and occupational accidents [2]. In the construction period, quality management at the construction site includes the quality management supervision of three subjects as the .