tailieunhanh - Ebook Alcamo’s fundamentals of microbiology (9/E): Part 1

Part 1 book “Alcamo’s fundamentals of microbiology” has contents: The chemical building blocks of life, concepts and tools for studying microorganisms, cell structure and function in the bacteria and archaea, microbial growth and nutrition, airborne bacterial diseases, microbial genetics, and other contents. | Pronouncing Organism Names Some of the scientific names for microorganisms, which have Latin or Greek roots, can be hard to pronounce. As an aid in pronouncing these names, the primary microorganisms used in this textbook are listed alphabetically below, followed by the pronunciation. The following pronunciation key will aid you in saying these names. The accented syllable (') is placed directly after the syllable being stressed. Pronunciation Key a add –a ace ch check g go ã care e end –e even i it –ı ice ä father e˙ term ng ring Acanthamoeba castellani a-kan-thä-me–'bä kas-tel-än'e– Acetobacter aceti a-se–'to–-bak-te˙r a-set'e– –-bak-te˙r Acinetobacter baumannii a-si-ne'to bou-mä'ne–-e– Actinobacillus muris –-bä'cil-lus mu –'ris ak-tin-o –r'us Agaricus bisporis ä-gãr'i-kus bı–-spo Agrobacterium tumefaciens ag'ro–-bak-ti're–-urn tü'me-fa–sh-enz –-mı–'se–s Ajellomyces dermatitidis ä-jel-lo de˙r-mä-tit'i-dis Alcaligenes viscolactis al'kä-li-gen-e–s vis-co-lak'tis Amanita muscaria am-an-ı–'tä mus-kãr'e-ä A. phalloides fal-loi'dez Amoeba proteus ä-me–'bä pro–'te–-us –Anaplasma phagocytophilum an'ä-plaz-mä fäg'-o-sı–-to fil-um –'sto–-mä du –-o–-de'näl-e– Ancylostoma duodenale an-sil-o – Aquifex ä'kwe -feks Armillaria är-mil-lãr'e–-ä Arthrobacter är-thro–-bak'te˙r Arthroderma är-thro–-de˙r'mä Ascaris lumbricoides as'kar-is lum-bri-koi'de–z Aspergillus favus a-spe˙r-jil'lus fla–'vus A. fumigatus fü-mi-gä'tus A. niger nı–'je˙r A. oryzae ô'ri-zı– A. parasiticus pãr-ä-si-ti-kus Azotobacter ä-zo'to-bak-te˙r Babesia bigemina ba-be–'se–-ä big-em-e–'na B. microti mı–-kro–'te– Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bä-sil'lus –-li-kwä-fäs'e–-enz am-i-lo B. anthracis an-thra–'sis 2 o odd – open o ou out u put sh rush ô order th thin ü rule – use u oi oil u up B. cereus se're–-us B. sphaericus sfe'ri-kus B. subtilis su'til-us B. thuringiensis thur-in-je–-en'sis Bacteroides fragilis bak-te˙-roi'de–z fra'gil-is B. thetaiotaomicron .