tailieunhanh - Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 1

The lecture has proceeded from the very basic definition and origin of supply chain management to the developments in the field over the period of time. Further how advanced trends in the field has added value and made the supply chain more effective. Advances in SCM focus on creating value chain network. The focus of which is to create value for partners on each level of supply chain. | 1 PART I An Overview of Supply Chain Management By Dr. Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah 2 Advances in Supply Chain Management Chapter 1: Advances in Supply Chain Management: An Overview 3 Road Map of the Course Material Part 1 An Overview of Supply Chain Management Part 2 Concepts of Advanced Planning Systems Part 3 Implementing Advanced Planning Systems Part 4 Actual APS and Case Studies 4 5 Lec 1 : Learning Objectives Brief introduction of supply chain management. To discuss the In-House Vertically Integrated structures to more advanced concept of Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management Describe the importance and reasons to employ supply chain management. Describe a brief history and some of the trends of supply chain management. Advances in SCM 6 LAYOUT Definitions In-House Vertically Integrated structures to more advanced concept of Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management Importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Reasons to Employ SCM Origin of SCM Important Elements of SCM Advances in SCM What is a Supply Chain? A supply chain consists of the flow of products and services from: Raw materials manufacturers Component and intermediate manufacturers Final product manufacturers Wholesalers and distributors Retailers and End customers The whole process of supply chain is connected by transportation and storage activities, and integrated through information, planning, and integration activities. Many large firms are moving away from In-House Vertically Integrated structures to Supply Chain Management. In-house location of resource simplifies coordination, fosters synergy, but increases fixed cost. A good example of in house vertical integration is Big Pharma which tended to execute all stages in-house. As fixed cost becomes a burden to Big Pharma outsourcing becomes attractive. They are moving towards Vertical Disintegration, following the trend in the automotive, IT and aerospace industries. 7 What is a Supply Chain? 8 In-House Vertically Integrated structures to more . | 1 PART I An Overview of Supply Chain Management By Dr. Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah 2 Advances in Supply Chain Management Chapter 1: Advances in Supply Chain Management: An Overview 3 Road Map of the Course Material Part 1 An Overview of Supply Chain Management Part 2 Concepts of Advanced Planning Systems Part 3 Implementing Advanced Planning Systems Part 4 Actual APS and Case Studies 4 5 Lec 1 : Learning Objectives Brief introduction of supply chain management. To discuss the In-House Vertically Integrated structures to more advanced concept of Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management Describe the importance and reasons to employ supply chain management. Describe a brief history and some of the trends of supply chain management. Advances in SCM 6 LAYOUT Definitions In-House Vertically Integrated structures to more advanced concept of Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management Importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Reasons to Employ SCM Origin of SCM Important Elements of SCM Advances in SCM