tailieunhanh - Writing template part 8

Trong hơn 30 năm giảng dạy của tôi bằng văn bản cho quốc tế, song ngữ, 1,5 thế hệ, và các sinh viên khác, tôi đã được giới thiệu với, và cố gắng, tất cả các phương pháp tiếp cận sư phạm lớn. | 62 The Writing Template Book Contrasting Views Roadmap Template With this template you dispose of one or more competing views in order to advance your own view. The idiom giving the devil his due is a colorful one meaning paying attention to what the other side is saying. The fourth line while . . . counters the opposing argument. This template is more difficult than some of the preceding ones because it demands that you look at both sides of an issue. If you can t do it just skip this one. However if you are capable of looking at both sides this template will help you to organize your answer and it will impress the reader. Take heed of means pay attention to. In this essay I will_ Giving the devil his due I will that take on the argument s take heed of the opposing arguments I will conclude that while Y i X Note Wl 1. X and Y must be contrasting ideas X is the devil s due while Y is your point of view. Question Should all students be allowed to go to college if they so wish Example In this essay I will argue that not all students who want to goto college should actually go. Giving the devil his due I will take on the argument that students who do poorly in high school came from disadvantaged backgrounds and had bad teachers. I will conclude that while our educational system deprives some worthy students of the opportunity to go to college our system is a lotfairerthan that of most countries. Introduction Templates 63 Question Should all students be allowed to go to college if they so wish Example In this essay I will argue that all students who wish to go to college should be allowed to go. Giving the devil his due I will take heed of the opposing argument that some students are naturally disruptive or just plain will conclude that while it may take disadvantaged students longer to finish college they can do it if given a chance. Your Question Agree or disagree with the following statement. Children should be required to do household tasks as .