tailieunhanh - Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 15 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

These can be good questions to start a conversation in which Student can share their prior knowledge. Listen carefully to their explanations. Encourage them to discuss each other’s ideas and to expand their thinking. Their longer statements, not short phrases, can reveal existing misconceptions. | Lecture # 15 SCIENCE 1 ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN EDUCATION Precipitation Idea of Precipitation Some questions to start . What are clouds? When does it rain? These can be good questions to start a conversation in which Student can share their prior knowledge. Listen carefully to their explanations. Encourage them to discuss each other’s ideas and to expand their thinking. Their longer statements, not short phrases, can reveal existing misconceptions. Student Teachers may hold many preconceptions about the hydrosphere and atmosphere. In particular, they might have a certain idea about water in its gaseous state (vapour) and the processes by which it changes from liquid to gas (evaporation) and gas to liquid (condensation). At his point, it is important to begin to discuss some of the common misconceptions, such as the following: The atmosphere is mostly oxygen All clouds are cold, and therefore, their presence makes the air cold Clouds are water vapour Heat causes water to break up into hydrogen and oxygen—that is, water is destroyed when it evaporates Air pressure increases with an increase in altitude Idea of Precipitation continues Make sure Students understand that water evaporates from lakes and rivers and that moisture evaporates everywhere (moist ground, plants, humans, etc.). Water remains in the air until it precipitates. (If Students are weak on physical science concepts, teaching what happens on the molecular level when water changes state might be too hard to convey at this point. States of matter is covered in unit 6, ‘Properties of matter’). However, if many of them show signs of misconceptions, take the time to have them do an experiment. Let them evaporate some water by placing some wet, dark clothes or tissues in the sun or onto a heater. Then have them observe that the water contained in the cloth evaporated without being seen and that it is now in the air of the room. Idea of Precipitation continues Seasons To explain what causes the . | Lecture # 15 SCIENCE 1 ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN EDUCATION Precipitation Idea of Precipitation Some questions to start . What are clouds? When does it rain? These can be good questions to start a conversation in which Student can share their prior knowledge. Listen carefully to their explanations. Encourage them to discuss each other’s ideas and to expand their thinking. Their longer statements, not short phrases, can reveal existing misconceptions. Student Teachers may hold many preconceptions about the hydrosphere and atmosphere. In particular, they might have a certain idea about water in its gaseous state (vapour) and the processes by which it changes from liquid to gas (evaporation) and gas to liquid (condensation). At his point, it is important to begin to discuss some of the common misconceptions, such as the following: The atmosphere is mostly oxygen All clouds are cold, and therefore, their presence makes the air cold Clouds are water vapour Heat causes water to break up into