tailieunhanh - Determination of volatile compounds of pine honeys

The volatile compounds of 13 Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) honey samples were characterized by solid phase microextraction (SPME) analysis, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. | S. SİLİCİ Turk J Biol 35 (2011) 641-645 © TÜBİTAK doi: Determination of volatile compounds of pine honeys Sibel SİLİCİ Erciyes University, Agriculture Faculty, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, 38039 Kayseri - TURKEY Received: Abstract: The volatile compounds of 13 Turkish pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) honey samples were characterized by solid phase microextraction (SPME) analysis, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. A total of 42 volatile compounds were identified, but volatile compounds such as nonana1, benzene, 4-hexen-3-ol, alpha-pinene, and 2-heptanone were recognized to be specific floral origin markers of the pine honey. The SPME extraction method was proposed as an alternative way to carry out pollen analysis for floral source detection, especially for products such as pine honey, by characterization of honeydew elements. Key words: Pine honey, volatile compounds, pollen analysis, volatile markers Çam balının uçucu bileşiklerinin belirlenmesi Özet: Onüç Türk çam balının uçucu bileşiklerini karakterize etmek için bal örneklerine gaz kromatograf-ütle spektrometrisini takiben katı faz mikroekstraksiyonu uygulandı. Toplam 42 uçucu bileşik tanımlandı; ancak , nonanal, benzen, 4-hekzen-3-ol, alfa pinen ve 2 heptanon çam balının spesifik floral orijin belirteçleri olarak belirlendi. SPME ekstraksiyon metodunun floral kaynak belirlemek için özellikle balçiği elementleriyle karakterize edilen çam balı gibi ballar için polen analizine alternatif olabileceği önerildi. Anahtar sözcükler: Çam balı, uçucu bileşikler, polen analizi, uçucu belirteçleri Introduction Honeydew honey is produced from excretions of plant-sucking insects on the living part of plants. Pine honey is produced only in Turkey and Greece. It is mainly prepared from honeydew secreted by the insect Marchalina hellenica (Gennadius), which is restricted to Pinus brutia Ten. and Pinus halepensis Mill. (1,2). Pine honey is a favored .