tailieunhanh - Windows Server 2008 Inside Out- P8

Tham khảo tài liệu 'windows server 2008 inside out- p8', công nghệ thông tin, quản trị mạng phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Tracking a System s General Health 317 Table 11-1 Process Statistics and How They Can Be Used Column Name Description Base Priority BasePriority Shows the priority of the process. Priority determines how much of the system resources are allocated to a process. The standard priorities are Low 4 Below Normal 6 Normal 8 Above Normal 10 High 13 and Real-Time 24 . Most processes have a Normal priority by default and the highest priority is given to real-time processes. CPU Time TotalProcessorTime Shows the total amount of CPU time used by the process since it was started. Click the column header to quickly see the processes that are using the most CPU time. If a process is using a lot of CPU time the related application might have a configuration problem. This could also indicate a runaway or nonresponsive process that is unnecessarily tying up the CPU. CPU Usage CPU Shows the percentage of CPU utilization for the process. The System Idle Process shows what percentage of CPU power is idle. A 99 in the CPU column for the System Idle Process means 99 percent of the system resources currently aren t being used. If the system has low idle time meaning high CPU usage during peak or average usage you might consider upgrading to faster processors or adding processors. Handles HandleCount Shows the number of file handles maintained by the process. The number of handles used is an indicator of how dependent the process is on the file system. Some processes have thousands of open file handles. Each file handle requires system memory to maintain. Image Name ProcessName Shows the name of the process. Image Path Name Path Shows the full path to the executable for the process. Memory -Commit Size Virtual-MemorySize Shows the amount of virtual memory allocated to and reserved for a process. Virtual memory is memory on disk and is slower to access than pooled memory. By configuring an application to use more physical RAM you might be able to increase performance. To do this however the