tailieunhanh - Lecture Medical assisting: Administrative and clinical procedures with anatomy and physiology (4/e) – Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Obtaining vital signs and measurements. After completing chapter 37, you will be able to: Recognize common terminology and abbreviations used in documenting and discussing vital signs, describe the instruments used to measure vital signs and body measurements, explain the procedure used to measure vital signs and body measurements, demonstrate the procedures for measuring vital signs and body measurements. | 37 Obtaining Vital Signs and Measurements 37- Learning Outcomes Describe vital signs and common body measurements. Differentiate measurement systems. Identify the instruments used to measure vital signs and body measurements. Carry out vital signs and body measurements of infants, children, and adults. 37- Learning Outcomes (cont.) Recognize abnormal vital signs and body measurements. Write vital signs and body measurements using accurate terminology and abbreviations. Implement growth charts. 37- Introduction Vital signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood pressure Pain assessment Body measurements Height Weight Head circumference Vital signs and body measurements are used to evaluate health problems. Accuracy is essential. 37- Vital Signs Provide information about patient’s overall condition Taken at each visit and compared to baseline Protected health information – HIPAA 37- Temperature Febrile – body . | 37 Obtaining Vital Signs and Measurements 37- Learning Outcomes Describe vital signs and common body measurements. Differentiate measurement systems. Identify the instruments used to measure vital signs and body measurements. Carry out vital signs and body measurements of infants, children, and adults. 37- Learning Outcomes (cont.) Recognize abnormal vital signs and body measurements. Write vital signs and body measurements using accurate terminology and abbreviations. Implement growth charts. 37- Introduction Vital signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood pressure Pain assessment Body measurements Height Weight Head circumference Vital signs and body measurements are used to evaluate health problems. Accuracy is essential. 37- Vital Signs Provide information about patient’s overall condition Taken at each visit and compared to baseline Protected health information – HIPAA 37- Temperature Febrile – body temperature above patient’s normal range Fever – sign of inflammation or infection Hyperpyrexia – extremely high temperature Afebrile – normal body temperature 37- Axilla Mouth Rectal Ear Temperature (cont.) Measurements Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) Degrees Celsius (centigrade; °C) Normal adult oral temperature °F 37°C Temperature Routes Temporal Artery 37- Thermometers Electronic digital thermometer Accurate, fast, easy to read Comfortable for the patient Tympanic thermometer Temporal scanner Disposable thermometer Single use Less accurate Disposable sheaths are used with electronic thermometers to prevent cross-contamination. 37- Taking Temperatures Measure to nearest tenth of a degree Oral temperatures Wait at least 15 minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking Place under tongue in either pocket just off-center in lower jaw 37- Taking Temperatures (cont.) Tympanic temperatures Proper technique essential Adult – pull ear up and back Child – pull ear down and