tailieunhanh - Sorption of aldicarb sulfoxide by samples of some calcareous soils from Turkey

Sorption of aldicarb and aldicarb sulfoxide was investigated spectrophotometrically on 16 soil samples. Ten of them were from the Çukurova region. The results showed that organic matter is the single soil property to give correlation with sorption of aldicarb. | Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 22 (1998) 419-423 © TÜBİTAK Sorption of Aldicarb Sulfoxide by Samples of Some Calcareous Soils From Turkey Kemal Y. GÜLÜT, Mahmut SAYIN Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Soil Science, Adana-TURKEY Received: Abstract: Sorption of aldicarb and aldicarb sulfoxide was investigated spectrophotometrically on 16 soil samples. Ten of them were from the Çukurova region. The results showed that organic matter is the single soil property to give correlation with sorption of aldicarb. Clay minerals are also important in sorption but their effect is masked by fine carbonates and organic matter. CaCO3 sorbs aldicarb weakly. Aldicarb sulfoxide was also sorbed by soil constituents very weakly. Aldicarp ve Aldicarp Sülfoksitin Türkiye’nin Bazı Kireçli Topraklarında Tutulması Özet: Aldicarb ve Aldicarb sülfoksit’in, 10’u Çukurova bölgesinden olmak üzere 16 toprak örneğinde tutulması, spektrofotometrik yöntem ile araştırılmıştır. Organik madde, aldicarb tutulması ile korelasyon veren tek toprak özelliği olmuştur. Kil minerallerinin de tutulmada önemli olduğu bulunmuş ancak etkisinin ince karbonat ve organik madde tarafından maskelendiği sonucuna varılmıştır. CaCO3 aldicarb’ı zayıf bir şekilde tutmuştur. Aldicarb sülfoksit ise toprak bileşenleri tarafından çok zayıf bir şekilde tutulmuştur. Introduction Aldicarp (Temik), 2-methly-2-(methylthio) propionalaldehyde 0-(methylcarbamoly) oxime, is an important carbamate insecticide. It constitutes more than 80% of insecticides used to protect cotton plants against whitefly (Bemisia tabaci spp.) in the Çukurova region in Türkiye. Although persistince (1), metabolism (2), degradation (3, 4), and movement (5) of this insecticide were examined widely, information on sorption by soil constituents is limited except for the works of Bromilow (6), Supak et al. (7), Felsot and Dahm (8), and Bromilow et al. (9). The higher persistence of aldicarb sulfoxide (1), the main toxic .