tailieunhanh - Ebook Vietnam tourism occupational standards – Travel and tour operations: Part 2

Part 2 of "Ebook Vietnam tourism occupational standards - Travel and tour operations" include contents: Adopt green office principles; develop and design responsible tourism products and services; select suppliers based on responsible tourism principles; develop, manage and monitor suppliers unit descriptor; ensure customers are aware of responsible tourism policies; and other contents. | VIETNAM TOURISM OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS . unit title adopt green office principles UNIT DESCRIPTOR This unit covers the competencies required to adopt green office principles. r ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 1 E1. Reduce energy consumption P1. Contribute to energy saving following the organisation policy P2. Switch off computers and lights when not in use P3. Use natural ventilation or keep air-conditioning between 24-26 C E2. Reduce paper and printing and increase recycling P4. Print double-sided P5. Use recycled paper and printer cartridges P6. Use scrap paper for notes P7. Edit documents on screen E3. Minimize waste P8. Use crockery not disposables P9. Order food for meetings carefully P10. Provide recycle bins for staff E4. Save water P11. Use water saving mechanisms P12. Report and act on leaks P13. Ensure taps are completely turned off after use KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS K1. List and explain the importance of adopting green office principles K2. Describe the procedures for energy consumption reduction within an organisation K3. List and describe the ways of reducing paper and printing K4. Explain the meaning of increasing the recycling K5. Define the significance of water saving and minimising waste at an organisational level K6. Explain how to apply responsible tourism principles to practice K7. List and describe responsible tourism information sources 128 Environmentally Socially Responsible Tourism Capacity Development Programme funded by the EU VIETNAM TOURISM OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS TRAVEL AND TOUR OPERATIONS CONDITIONS OF PERFORMANCE AND VARIABLES 1. Principles of responsible tourism include Use natural resources optimally Respect and conserve socio-cultural authenticity Ensure viable long-term economic benefits to all stakeholders 2. Organisational procedures and themes may include Use of solar or renewable energies where appropriate Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases Reducing use of non-renewable resources Making .