tailieunhanh - Đề thi Winform 14,5 của Aptech

Đây là bộ đè thi Win form của Aptech, Bộ đề gồm 95 câu trắc nghiệm , có sẵn lời giải , các bạn có thê dùng để kham mọi người thi tốt . | Câu 1 is any action directed at the application. A Event B Method C Class D Object Câu 2 property is used to get or set the object that contains data about the control. A Value B Tag c Text d Name Câu 3 Which of the following statement with respect to Data Grid control are True Choose all correct answers A By default the DataGrid display 1 page at a time. B When the DataGrid control is set to a valid data source the control is populated automatically C Each field in the DataGrid is bound to a single column based on the DataSource D The DataGrid control display data in tabular format and optionally supports data editing. Câu 4 When an MDI parent form is closed the Closing event of all MDI child forms are raised before the MDI parent form s Closing event is raised A False B True Câu 5 What of the followings is correct for creating a command object with the connection con A SqlCommand Cmd Select From Student b SqlCommand Cmd Select From Student c SqlCommand Cmd new SqlCommand con Select From Student D SqlCommand Cmd new SqlCommand Select From Student con Câu 6 The method can be used to draw a rectangle or a square depending on the coordinates passed as its argument. A FillSquare B FillRectangle c DrawSquare DI DrawRetangle Câu 7 General Project Properties are applicable to all project configurations and are set in the properties window. A False FBI True Câu 8 Name the object which notifes other objects about an event A Consumer B Publisher C Subscriber D Tester Câu 9 it the normal ouput type for a WinForm project A Windows Application B Console Application C Class Library D Windows Forms Câu 10 We can generate Typed Dataset from a Datadapter A False B True Câu 11 To preserve screen space on the monitor provides us with Choose all answers Note A Class View Window B Command Window C Solution Explorer Window D Auto-Hide Window E Properties Window F Tabbed Windows Câu 12Images can be drawn using the method to of the Graphics .