tailieunhanh - Lecture Basic Marketing: A global managerial approach - Chapter 14: Promotion - Introduction to integrated marketing communications

When you finish this chapter, you should: Know the advantages and disadvantages of the promotion methods a marketing manager can use in strategic planning, know how the communication process affects promotion planning, understand how direct-response promotion is helping marketers develop more targeted promotion blends,. | Chapter 14: Promotion— Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications 14-2 Basic Promotion Methods Target Market Price Promotion Place Product Sales Promotion Personal Selling Publicity Advertising Mass Selling Exhibit 14-1 Summary Overview Promotion tools are used by marketing managers to communicate with the company’s target markets. A key part of modern marketing efforts is the use of several tools that work together to obtain a company’s overall promotion goals. This approach is known as integrated marketing communications. Basic Promotion Tools Personal Selling. Personal selling involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. Salespeople get immediate feedback from customers and can adapt the marketing mix on the spot to meet customer needs better. A downside is that a sales force can be very expensive to build, support, and maintain. Mass Selling. Mass Selling involves communicating with large numbers of potential customers at the same time. This approach is very useful when the target market is large and geographically dispersed. There are two forms of mass selling: Advertising. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. This is the main form of mass selling. Publicity. Publicity is any unpaid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services. Publicity professionals try to get stories about their company’s products placed in mass media vehicles without having to pay media costs. In addition to costing less than advertising, publicity tends to be more believed by target customers because it isn’t an ad. Sales Promotion. Sales Promotion refers to other promotion activities that stimulate interest, trial, or purchase by final customers or others in the channel. Sales promotion activities, such as couponing, can be implemented more quickly than other promotion tools and are usually aimed at obtaining an immediate response. Integrated Marketing . | Chapter 14: Promotion— Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications 14-2 Basic Promotion Methods Target Market Price Promotion Place Product Sales Promotion Personal Selling Publicity Advertising Mass Selling Exhibit 14-1 Summary Overview Promotion tools are used by marketing managers to communicate with the company’s target markets. A key part of modern marketing efforts is the use of several tools that work together to obtain a company’s overall promotion goals. This approach is known as integrated marketing communications. Basic Promotion Tools Personal Selling. Personal selling involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers. Salespeople get immediate feedback from customers and can adapt the marketing mix on the spot to meet customer needs better. A downside is that a sales force can be very expensive to build, support, and maintain. Mass Selling. Mass Selling involves communicating with large numbers of potential customers at the same time. .