The Penguin Dictionary of Biology defines some 6,000 terms relating to this rich, complex, and constantly expanding subject?from amino acids, bacteria, and the cell cycle to X-ray diffraction, Ychromosomes, and zygotes. Long established as the definitive single-volume source, the dictionary has now been extensively updated for its eleventh edition. With expanded encyclopedic entries to explain the most crucial concepts, it explores the very latest discoveries and developments, containing more than 400 new entries to take account of the latest thinking on genetics, human physiology, disease, and cell biology. All key botanical and zoological concepts as well as the core vocabulary. | THE NEW PENGUIN DICTION ARYOF t BIOL O G Y ________________________________________ I M. Abercrombie I M. Hickman I. M. L. Johnson I M. Thain I Í EIGHTH EDITION J PENGUIN BOOKS PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd 27 Wrights Lane London W8 5TZ England Penguin Books USA Inc. 375 Hudson Street New York New York 10014 USA Penguin Books Australia Ltd Ringwood Victoria Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd 2801 John Street Markham Ontario Canada L3R 1 B4 Penguin Books NZ Ltd 182-190 Wairau Road Auckland 10 New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd Registered Harmondsworth Middlesex England First published as The Penguin Dictionary of Biology 1951 Second edition 1954 Third edition 1957 J Fourth edition 1961 Fifth edition 1966 Sixth edition 1973 Seventh edition 1980 Eighth edition entíĩted The New penguin Dictionary of Biology 1990 3579108642 Copyright M. Abercrombie C. J. Hickman and M. L. Johnson 1957 1961 1966 1973 1980 Copyright Michael Thain the Estate of M. Abercrombie the Estate of C. J. Hickman and the Estate of M. L. Johnson 1990 All rights reserved The acknowledgements on pages ix-x constitute an extension of this copyright page Printed in England by Clays Ltd St Ives plc in 9 on 10 pt Monophoto Times Except in the United States of America this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent re-sold hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser 8 5 FOR KATEY AND AVRIL AND .