tailieunhanh - Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 4

Modern Ruins By Tocath How to turn a modern day city into decaying ruins. Part 1 : Overview This tutorial will show you the steps and tricks I used in turning Hong Kong harbor into a wasted reflection of itself. Basically, we're going to turn this: Into this. Part 2: Planning Any photoshopped image must start with a great source. Ruins are no exception. For my H2H with Norrit, we were limited to Non-American, Non-European cities. I chose Hong Kong. Ideally, you want a city with a recognizable landmark or building. This can get tricky, as your contest may have. | Modern Ruins By Tocath How to turn a modern day city into decaying ruins. Part 1 Overview This tutorial will show you the steps and tricks I used in turning Hong Kong harbor into a wasted reflection of itself. Into this Basically we re going to turn this Let s begin 72 Part 2 Planning Any photoshopped image must start with a great source. Ruins are no exception. For my H2H with Norrit we were limited to Non-American Non-European cities. I chose Hong Kong. Ideally you want a city with a recognizable landmark or building. This can get tricky as your contest may have 18 New York entries and 20 from Paris. So be aware that whatever city you choose may be duplicated. Impirnt your own style on whatever city you choose. After selecting a city find a picture that displays a good view of the features you want to destroy. I would suggest using only images greater than 1024x768 in size. Using a tiny source image for this contest will make things very difficult when it comes time to put in detail. Here is our source image a small crop for tutorial purposes Let s talk for a moment about the source pictures for our destruction. I can almost guarantee you that typing ruins into Google will get you nothing better than the Parthenon or the Pyramids. While these are certainly ruins they don t offer much help to those of us who have to ruin modern buildings. Modern materials require modern ruins. So here is a quick list of words that will bring us modern destruction bombed bombed out destroyed gutted rubble It also helps to know your geopolitics. These words brought me the most useful images Belgrade Grozny Kosovo Lebanon Sarejevo WTC I used 24 different images of rubble and destruction in my Hong Kong image. You don t need nearly that many but you ll be happier with a greater variety to work from. 73 We re almost ready to start butchering our buildings. First though I find it helpful to have some organization. My final Photoshop file was over 50 layers deep and I would have been .