tailieunhanh - Figure Drawing - Giraffe - Camel - Hippopotamus

Giraffe characteristics: Very tall with long neck (elongated neck vertebrae) and long limbs. Bony prominences of neck vertebrae can be seen on the surface; brachiocephalicus and omotransversarius muscles, which usually cover the neck, begin low on the side of the neck, rather than up at the skull and first neck vertebra. Back line slopes downward toward rear. Usually three, permanent, bony "horns" in both male and female, covered with skin and fur. Two located on either side of rear of skull (may be topped with hairy tufts); third horn (sometimes only a knob) wider, stubbier, and of variable size,. | 164 GIRAFFE ANATOMY AFTER BLAINVILLE SKULL FROM SPECIMEN Giraffe characteristics Very tall with long neck elongated neck vertebrae and long limbs. Bony prominences of neck vertebrae can be seen on the surface brachiocephalicus and omotransversarius muscles which usually cover the neck begin low on the side of the neck rather than up at the skull and first neck vertebra. Back line slopes downward toward rear. Usually three permanent bony horns in both male and female covered with skin and fur. Two located on either side of rear of skull may be topped with hairy tufts third horn sometimes only a knob wider stubbier and of variable size located on midline in front of the other horns is more developed in the male. Long mobile prehensile lips long tongue. Nostrils closable. Large eyes with long lashes. No front teeth in upper jaw. Two digits with hoofs per limb. Walks on toes. Long tail with long hair from tip. Upright mane on midline of neck. AbDIL Abductor digiti I longus Brach Brachialis Brcph Brachiocephalicus Bute Buccinator Canin Caninus DelAc Deltoid acromial portion DelSc Deltoid scapular portion ECR Extensor carpi radialis EDC Extensor digitorum communis EDLat Extensor digitorum lateralis ED Lon Extensor digitorum longus ExAbO External abdominal oblique FCR Flexor carpi radialis FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris FDP Flexor digitorum profundus FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis Front Frontalis GasLa Gastrocnemius lateral head GasMe Gastrocnemius medial head Glubi Gluteobiceps GluMe Gluteus medius llloc lliocostalis Infra Infraspinatus Inttr Intertransversarii LatDo Latissimus dorsi LeNas Levator nasolabialis LLaMx Levator labii maxillaris LngCa Longus capitis LngCo Longus colli LonAt Longissimus atlantis LonCa Longissimus capitis LonCe Longissimus cervicis Long Longissimus Malar Malaris Mass Masseter OCCau Obliquus capitis caudalis Omohy Omohyoid Omotr Omotransversarius OrOc Orbicularis oculi OrOr Orbicularis oris PecAs Pectoralis ascendens PecDe Pectoralis descenders .