tailieunhanh - Lecture Data Structures & Algorithms: Chapter 6

Lecture Data Structures & Algorithms: Chapter 6 - Stacks & Queues (Use Array to implement Stacks & Queues, Use Linked list to implement Stacks & Queues) presented Stacks, Queues and other content. Invite you to read the lecture. | Data Structures & Algorithms 1 Stacks & Queues Use Array to implement Stacks & Queues Use Linked list to implement Stacks & Queues LIFO (last in first out) Stacks Managing Top element Basic operations: Initialize CreateNode Push Pop Initialize typedef struct Node { int data; Node *pLink; }; typedef struct Node *STACK; void initialize(STACK &stack) { stack=NULL; } CreateNode Node *createNode(int d) { Node *pNode=new Node; pNode->data=d; pNode->pLink=NULL; } NULL 113 pLink pNode Push void push(STACK &stack,int d) { Node *pNode=createNode(d); if(stack==NULL) { stack=pNode; } else { pNode->pLink=stack; stack=pNode; } } 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL pNode NULL NULL Pop int pop(STACK &stack) { int d=stack->data; Node *pDel=stack; stack=stack->pLink; pDel->pLink=NULL; delete pDel; return d; } 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL 113 pLink Stack 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL NULL NULL pDel 114 pLink NULL void main() { STACK stack; initialize(stack); push(stack,5); push(stack,7); push(stack,1); coutdata=d; pNode->pLink=NULL; } Insert void Insert(QUEUE &queue,int d) { Node *pNode=CreateNode(d); if() { ; } else { >pLink=pNode; ; } } int Get(QUEUE &queue) { int d=>data; Node *pDel=; >pLink; pDel->pLink=NULL; delete pDel; return d; } Get . | Data Structures & Algorithms 1 Stacks & Queues Use Array to implement Stacks & Queues Use Linked list to implement Stacks & Queues LIFO (last in first out) Stacks Managing Top element Basic operations: Initialize CreateNode Push Pop Initialize typedef struct Node { int data; Node *pLink; }; typedef struct Node *STACK; void initialize(STACK &stack) { stack=NULL; } CreateNode Node *createNode(int d) { Node *pNode=new Node; pNode->data=d; pNode->pLink=NULL; } NULL 113 pLink pNode Push void push(STACK &stack,int d) { Node *pNode=createNode(d); if(stack==NULL) { stack=pNode; } else { pNode->pLink=stack; stack=pNode; } } 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL pNode NULL NULL Pop int pop(STACK &stack) { int d=stack->data; Node *pDel=stack; stack=stack->pLink; pDel->pLink=NULL; delete pDel; return d; } 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL 113 pLink Stack 113 pLink 114 pLink Stack NULL NULL NULL pDel 114 pLink NULL void main() { STACK stack; initialize(stack); push(stack,5); .