tailieunhanh - Chaper 22: Female Genital Mutilation

The World Health Organization (WHO)(2000) defines female genital mutilation(FGM) as ‘pro-cedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reason’. | 22 Female Genital Mutilation Hassan Azadeh and Moustapha Touré INTRODUCTION Definition The World Health Organization WHO 2000 defines female genital mutilation FGM as procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural religious or other non-therapeutic reason . Scope of the problem The prevalence of FGM is illustrated in Figure 11. Female circumcision or genital mutilation is still widely practiced in over 30 countries in the world. WHO estimates that over 120 million women have been circumcised and several thousand more are circumcised each day. Due to population movements women and girls living in western nations but originating from cultures where FGM is practiced are also at risk. The practice has become an issue for most healthcare providers particularly midwives and obstetricians who may however not be aware of the consequences. All health workers who are involved in caring for the mutilated patient have an important role to play they must recognize the sensitive nature and complexity of the issues related to FGM and should have knowledge on the possible complications in childbirth. Caregivers should avoid becoming judgmental or punitive. In this chapter we will explain the problems surrounding female circumcision genital mutilation particularly the sexual problems and the possible serious gynecological and obstetric complications. Figure 1 Prevalence of female genital mutilation in Africa. Source http Categories Women FGM History and practice Female sexuality has been repressed in a variety of ways in all parts of the world throughout history up to the present time. Female slaves in ancient Rome had one or more rings put through their labia to prevent them from becoming pregnant. Chastity belts were brought to Europe by the crusaders during the 12th century. The burning of women as witches in Europe foot binding in China and widow .