tailieunhanh - Sat - MC Grawhill part 14
The bottom line with a book is the kind of results it gets. I used the Gruber book, the RocketReview book, the Princeton Review book, and the McGraw-Hill book to prepare for the SAT in November. Without any question, the McGraw-Hill book is what made all the difference for me. It's hard to point out all of the ways that this book is superior to the others. The lessons are so unbelievably clear, and well organized, and they are always are followed up with lots of practice so you know you get the concepts. . | 120 MCGRAW-HILL S SAT Vocabulary Lesson 23 Like a Pit Bull Today s roots tract pull tenax holding fast ob- against per- very dogged adj determined unwilling to give up Outmanned and overmatched the dogged fighters nevertheless refused to surrender the Alamo. Synonyms tenacious inexorable Antonyms yielding irresolute inexorable adj relentless in- not exorabilis able to be swayed Inexorable in his wooing Jason vowed to send Kathy roses every day until she accepted his prom invitation. Synonyms obstinate dogged Antonyms yielding irresolute obstinate adj stubborn obstinatus to stand stubbornly No matter what she tried she could not make her obstinate husband change his mind. Synonyms adamant relentless obdurate Antonyms acquiescent obsequious intransigent adj uncompromising in- not transigente compromising Pat s intransigent nature showed itself when he adamantly refused to shift his appointment from 5 00 to 5 05. Synonyms obstinate intractable Antonyms concordant accommodating complaisant contentious adj quarrelsome contendere to strive after -ious full of Julia sighed as her excessively contentious husband started another unnecessary argument with their waiter. Synonyms pugnacious belligerent Antonyms passive conciliatory pertinacity n stubbornness per- very tenax holding fast Kyle showed incredible pertinacity after breaking his leg making it back in time for the championship game. Synonyms doggedness steadfastness steadfast adj unchanging unswerving stede stand foest firmly fixed Despite many hardships the team was steadfast in its pursuit of the summit. Synonyms obdurate inexorable Antonyms fickle vacillatory recalcitrant adj stubbornly rebellious Synonyms defiant stubborn wayward tenacious adj holding firmly persistent tenax holding fast Synonyms persistent steadfast resolute disputatious adj inclined to arguing disputare to argue Synonyms contentious litigious polemical obdurate adj intractable not easily persuaded obdurare to harden Synonyms inexorable dogged .
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