tailieunhanh - Toefl preparation for the computer and paper test part 68

• Take the appropriate Diagnostic Pre-Test at the beginning of a section. When you lake the Pre- Test, try to reproduce the conditions and time pressure of a real TOEFL test: (1) Take each sec¬ tion of the tesc without interruption- (2) Work on only one section at a time. (3) Time yourself for the section to experience the time pressure that exists on the actual TOEFL test. (4) Play the listening material one time only during the test. | 666 ANSWER KEY 6. I double subject 7. C 8. I missing verb 9. I missing subject 10. I double verb EXERCISE 2 1. C 2. I missing subject 3. C 4. C 5. I missing subject 6. C 7. I double subject 8. C 9. I missing subject 10. C EXERCISE 3 1. C 2. I missing subject 3. C 4. I missing subject 5. C 6. C 7. I missing subject 8. C 9. I missing comma 10. C EXERCISE 4 1. C 2. I double verb 3. c 4. I double verb 5. c 6. I double verb 7. c 8. c 9. I double verb 10. c EXERCISE 5 1. I double verb 2. C 3. I double verb 4. C 5. I double verb 6. C 7. I double verb 8. I double verb 9. C 10. C EXERCISE Skills 1-5 1. C 2. I missing subject 3. I double verb tex and it could be departure is sched- 6. I 7. c missing verb could be is in the shopping mall uled 8. I missing subject could be he threw could be I found 9. I double subject construction and it is and processes 10. c TOEFL EXERCISE Skills 1-5 1. B 3. A 5. c 7. A 9. D could be he took 2. A 4. D 6. c 8. B 10. A EXERCISE 6 could be the doctor has been 1. c practicing 2. I missing subject could be no rain has fallen shoppingand it 3. I missing connector could be and it has been 4. I misplaced connector should be The quality. .so I could be she took 5. c changed 6. I missing subject could be yet it is 7. c 8. c 9. I misplaced connector should be You can drive. could be Bob a friend 10. I missing connector or you can get could be so he flew could be Mr. Smith the chief executive officer EXERCISE 7 1. c could be the electric heater 2. I missing subject could be before they are admitted a wall heating unit 3. c computer the most powerful 4. I missing connector could be After the ground had been prepared 5. c 6. I missing verb could be The building is 7. I missing subject could be it can be sent 8. c are completing and should 9. c report 10. I missing comma counted the outcome are giving and attract EXERCISE 8 was trying and was often interrupted 1. c 2. I missing connector could be Though the com-mandant left 3. I missing verb could be .